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November 29, 2017 - 2017 Operation: Dabangg
Today was heartbreaking to say the least. We said goodbye to all the kids, teachers, principal, cooks, and student teachers at our school. Over the past few days, I’ve gotten really close to all the kids and adults at our school. There were two kids that I really got attached to from the start. One was a little girl (about 6 years old) named Tanvi who I connected with from the very first day that I saw her. She is the happiest little girl that I have ever seen. I think half of the pictures that I have on my camera are of her because I cannot get enough of her! She is drop dead gorgeous and I love her so much. When I said goodbye to her she had the biggest smile on her face and gave me the biggest hug. We were both squeezing each other to death and she whispered in my ear, “I miss you. I love you!” Haha I died! I seriously love her so much!
The other kid that I really connected with was an eight year old boy named Pema. Everyday when I went to school, he would have a gift for me. The first few days it was a piece of paper with a drawing and my name on it but on Monday, he gave me a silver heart that have “I (heart) U” engraved on it! He has the biggest heart and would do anything for me or any of the teens in our village. He really is the most genuine boy and I already miss him so much. When I said goodbye to him, he was already crying and couldn’t even speak because he was so sad. It broke my heart driving away from our school today and seeing all the kids with tears dripping down their faces. I love them so much.
I really am so grateful to have this opportunity. I am still thinking about our kids and I know that that won’t stop. I am constantly thinking about what they are doing, their living conditions at home, and who they’ll grow up to be. I am always thinking about how different our childhood will be and how my life is so different from theirs. They are still the happiest, most giving people that I have ever met and I really want to remember that now and especially when I get home. I want to improve that in my life so I can hopefully improve/help the lives around me.
Loved reading this sweet post Leah! I love how these sweet kids have changed how you will forever look at your life!
Leah you made me cry!!! This Is such a sweet post! Love ya and am so proud of you!