Magical Day – Jaime Bringhurst

April 1, 2017 - Uncategorized

Today was a magical day. I have the privilege of spending my days with Payton, Katherine, Ellie, Hannah, Mary, Marcus and 23 beautiful Indian children. 

Today was our Cultural Exchange Day. Hopefully, most of you are familiar with this concept because your teens were playing the songs, “One Day” and “Count On Me” on repeat and diligently practicing singing in the shower. For the rest of you, today is our opportunity to sing and dance for the children in our schools. It also begins our process of saying goodbye. Your children’s performances were spectacular!   The did a great job. In many villages, the people in the community also came out to watch us perform. One school offered their own dances as well. They sang and danced while adorned in beautifully bedazzled garb. We sat under tents of bright pinks and oranges and sipped cold Coca-Cola. 

Today was extraordinary, and we saw many beautiful things, but the most beautiful thing I saw today, were the tears of your children. They cried because their hearts were overflowing with love. They cried because they get to fly back to their comfortable lives while many of these children will continue to confront great hardships. They cried because the beautiful Indian children love them so much. But mostly, I hope, they cried because they experienced themselves as people who make a real and tangible difference in the world. 

4 Responses to “Magical Day – Jaime Bringhurst”

  1. This brings tears to read this Jaime. Thanks for expressing the love felt for the children and each other and all pictures that have been posted!! The pictures are worth a thousand words.

  2. Wow, thank you so much Jaime for sharing this beautiful post. What an amazing experience for you all. A life changer for sure. Good work everyone. All of us back home are so proud of you. ❤ Danna Miller

  3. Jamie, thanks for sharing with us and taking so good care of our children. You have been helpful in helping them grow and experience the world with a different light.

  4. Jamie,

    Thanks for making a difference in the lives of the teens from the US and the children of India. Call me when you get home and tell me all about it.

    JoDee Baird

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