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April 4, 2017 - Uncategorized
Yesterday was our last day at the schools. Saying goodbye to those kids was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. We gifted them lots of supplies. Each child got a backpack, first aid kit, hygiene kit, school supplies kit, socks, shoes, and sweater. Then we donated educational charts and sports equipment to the school. It was a very strange feeling that I got afterwards. These children had nothing, and we gave them something so insignificant, but the changes they made in our lives, and the changes we made in theirs have had such a significant impact. As my team walked teary-eyed down the mountain, I felt an immense pride in what we had done, but at the same time a guilt that I wish I could have given more.
So many lives were impacted by this expedition and it is amazing how something so insignificant can make such a significant difference. Malala Yousafzai said: “Let us remember one book, one pen, one child, and one teacher can change the world.” A motto I have gained from this trip is “Do small things with great love.” Despite how insignificant you think something is, if it is done with love it can make an absolutely significant difference.
I love how you have been seeing the little things with so much love in your heart for everything around you. To them, your small gifts were so significant and changed their world. We love you back at home.
You’re doing awesome keep up the good work! Don’t forget all of the lessons you’ve learned and all of the amazing people who have blessed your life. Keep smiling!
This is awesome to hear. Very inspiring stuff. I might use your motto in a speech I have to give later this month at our company event.