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May 30, 2017 - 2017 Op:Rangeeli Shuruata
Hello Family & Friends! We arrived safe & sound and with all of our luggage! The teens did amazing on that long journey. I don’t think I heard one of them complain. I thought it would be fun to give you some insight as to their thoughts on the travel days. Here you go:
Remi: anxious
Megan: ragdoll, nausea
Sarah: exciting, crazy
Tracie: stinky airplane food
Lauren: adventurous, long
Shelly: dazed & confused
Natalie: wait-what?
Sam: shindia happens
Eric: exhausting adventure
Zeke: culture, dry-mouth
Mike: all a blur
Jordan: long & crazy
Lori: adrenaline rush
Bret: patience & trust
Emily: time-travel (it’s real)
Gabby: thrilling & exhausting
Chris: “so far this trip is going really well”
Marce: uneventful & thankful
Reilly: hurt ear drum (don’t worry mom, all better now), cankles
We jumped right in at the schools today despite getting into Kullu much later than we had planned. You will be hearing more from some of the teens later. Until then, thanks again for trusting us with your teens. They are already having a great experience!
So excited for all of you!! Can’t wait to see how it goes in the schools.
Glad to here everyone mode it safe and sound.
Handler (see Mike And Lori)
Glad to know everyone is well, can’t wait to hear about the things these amazing kids will accomplish!
Glad to know you all made it safe and sound!! Can’t wait to read the next update.
Lori & Mike thinking of you 🙂
Yea, so glad you mad it! Can’t wait to hear more about this wonderful journey and see more pictures!!
I love the picture! You all look so wonderful and happy.
So glad to see all the smiling faces! 😍
Reilly–Thank you for the reassurance!! Love that you’re smiling in every picture. But I love YOU more.
Great news & great pics! You’ve got this!! 🙂
Prayers for a safe journey have fun what an experience make it a one can’t wait to hear all about it. Bless you all
Pam Marques
What a beautiful group. So glad to see you made it safe and sound.
So beautiful inside and out!! So glad you made it!!
Looking forward to all of the updates! So excited for all of you!!
Amazing Marce!
Gorgeous Girls!
Everyone is smiling! That is a good sign! Great picture!