A Blog in poem form? I think YES!

June 1, 2017 - 2017 Op:Rangeeli Shuruata

By Lauren Jost

I was promised the experience of a lifetime,
Memories that would stick with me for life.
Kids that would love me and respect me,
And friendships that would never die. 

For months I have hoped for all these things,
But “India” was still a great unknown.
But now having been here for a few days,
I have already learned and grown. 

All those things they told me,
All those promises they made,
They are all coming true,
And this experience will never fade.

There have been highs,
And there have been lows,
But that is what makes India, India
And what makes the journey flow.

Is finding three huge spiders in your bathroom a fun experience?
No, not at all.
But nothing is comparable to those smiling faces,
Who your name they call.

Missing cars, buses, and people
By mere inches on the road,
And squatting over a hole to do “you-know-what”
Is how the India story goes. 

Little Indian kids fighting to hold your hand,
Makes you wish you had ten hands.
They are so quick to love and trusting,
It’s almost more than I can stand.

No, it hasn’t been easy,
But yes, it has been worth it.
It gets better with each passing day
And I would never want to change it.

I miss you all back home
And hope you are doing well.
As I send you love from India,
Just know that I will have incredible stories to tell.


5 Responses to “A Blog in poem form? I think YES!”

  1. Great Poem!! And you look BEAUTIFUL!!!!!

  2. You kill us… So glad you’re enjoying this experience

  3. I love you so much Lee!! You better be taking lots of good pictures:)

  4. My Cute baby, keep up the good work, so excited to see your blog and pics. Smooches

  5. This looks incredible and your poetic words so descriptive! It truly seems like a trip of a lifetime!

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