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November 2, 2018 - 2019 Operation: Sapna
Everyone was super excited for this Sunday meeting because we got to find out our education groups! An education group is what we will be teaching in our villages once we get to India. Over the next couple of weeks we will be learning one lesson at a time, so we can become familiar with our lessons and be able to teach the kids to the best of our abilities.
We are given everything that we need to prepare. Our leaders are here to help if we have any questions. Right now we have 1 leader to each education group that has 5 kids. It is super personal and we each are able to build a relationship with not only the other kids but our leaders. Which I find to be so essential for a group like this because it is harder to trust someone that you don’t know well.
After we got into our education groups we went and learned another part of our dance that was choreographed by to of the amazing girls on our team.
We then went and gathered back together and talked to a professional meditation instructor. He talked to us for a couple o minutes about his life and the different experiences he has had. Then he lead us through a group meditation. One of the coolest things we have experienced.