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May 7, 2018 - 2018 Operation: Tyaggi, 2018 Operation: Vishvaas
India is unreal. From the second we got here I have been in complete awe and after only being here for 24 hours my eyes have been opened in so many ways. Driving down the streets you see a variety of dogs, cows and even mule! The people are all dressed in many colors and are SO beautiful. Seriously the people are so beautiful here. They look at us as if we are some kind of celebrity, it’s so interesting.
Today was our first day of school. We got all of our lessons prepared the night before and got a well needed amount of sleep. Not gonna lie, there was a lot of anxious feelings to get to the school, but we were all so excited to see the kids. When we first pulled up, we could hear the kids chanting and that’s when everything began to get super real. From the moment we all walked in, we were welcomed with so much love. They put hats on our heads and an orange rice mark on our foreheads to welcome us. All the scared, nervous feelings went away once it really sunk in as to what we were doing for those kids and that the moment we had right then, will change their life in some way. Seeing all of the kids and really being able to interact with each of them while teaching lessons, was such an unreal feeling. The kids are so smart! They follow along when books are read to them and are so fun and loving when playing games.
Each child has such a special light inside of them and it’s been amazing to be able to share and see that. I’ve already learned so much from being here and am so excited for this next week and the chance to really open my heart and learn from all these kids here. – Maddie
Dear Mads. We miss you! This post is so sweet and we are all so grateful you are having this experience. It looks so wonderful!! We LOVE YOU!!
Mom and the rest of the crew