Beyond Grateful! By Ashley Clinger

March 26, 2019 - 2019 Operation: Sapna

After ligit the longest 3 days of my life, with traveling and all that jazz, WE MADE IT!! So waking up @6:30 has never been so exciting. Getting ready to go to the schools and teaching the kids is all I could think about. However, I am surprised I even got any sleep considering I was laughing a ton and that there was also a dog barking until midnight so that was lovely. As we left to go to the school, the drive was spectacular. It always manages to take my breath away every time. As we were driving, I got this feeling in my stomach where I just felt like everything leading up to this moment has been so worth it. Along the way, there were little school kids in uniforms that were seriously the cutest kids I’ve ever seen. Little did i I know I would get the opportunity to teach these kids! These two little boys led the way to the school and my mind was blown. The view and the school are just phenomenal. There were no kids at the beginning and then slowly they all began to show up. Coming up to me hugging me and holding my hand not even knowing who I am was the coolest. But something that was an experience I had never had before was that some of the kids would bend over and touch my feet. I was so confused but it is actually a sign of respect. It was so cool to see these kids go about their morning routine as well as the prayer they do before class starts. I was very impressed. My heart was so full of love and joy for each and every one of these kids. Teaching hasn’t been too bad but a little different than I thought. But it will workout. I have loved every second of this experience and I cant wait for more memories to come! Hope everyones having a good spring break! goodnight 🙂 -Ashley 

6 Responses to “Beyond Grateful! By Ashley Clinger”

  1. Ashley!!! We love you so much. I’m so excited for this time you have to spend with these beautiful kids. Enjoy and take in those feelings! I’m so proud of you can’t wait to hear more. Seriously love you – mom

  2. ashley!!!! i am so proud to have you as a amazing sister!! you are such a big role model to me and i cant wait to hear more of these amazing experiences!! xoxo emma

  3. Those are the kids Camden was with last year! I recognize their cute faces. Thanks for sharing.
    Tami (Camden’s Momma)

  4. Wow! Thank you for sharing! You are amazing! Holding back tears! So proud of you!

  5. So happy for you Ashley! I’m sure the kids LOVE having you and all the other YMAD kids there to learn from 🙂


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