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March 26, 2019 - 2019 Operation: Sapna
Everything here in India surprises me. First of all, the random light switches in our hotel room that actually aren’t for the lights at all but are for the doorbell. They make it really fun when you wake up at 4 in the morning and have to go to the bathroom and you accidentally set off the loudest bell you’ve ever heard instead of turning on the light. I’ll never really know why there is a bell in the bathroom, but I definitely have theories. Secondly, it’s amazing to see how happy all these people are despite their situations and the conditions around them. AH, I just love this place! We drove to our school this morning and ended up getting really lost on all the winding roads. Luckily, we saw a lovely woman on the side of a very muddy road, and we decided to stop and ask her where the Sunda school was. As it turns out she was one of the teachers of that school. So, we got out and got to walk with her to our school and that where I met the cutest 38 kids in the whole world. As soon as I walked through the gate, two of the students came up to me and touched my feet. It is a big sign of respect and it made me so happy. My favorite part of today would have to be the moment we walked into their small classroom and heard them say, “good morning sir, good morning Ma’am.” I already don’t know how I’m going to leave them. Also, these kids are so smart! Two girls named Sita and Palak even taught me the colors in Hindi! So, let me know if you ever need those translated. Overall, if I had to rate my experience in India so far, I’d give it a 4.8 out of 5. Minus the .2 because of the dog that wouldn’t stop barking last night. It is hard to explain this place without having you here to see it yourself. But trust me, it’s awesome.
Megs I’m so happy to hear you made it safe and are already in love! I knew you would love those kids and the whole experience. Enjoy every minute of it. These people will touch your life forever!! Remember every smell the good and stinky and the sounds loud and sweet. The kids laughter and smiles!! I love you meg. I miss you but I am so happy you are there with amazing people and leaders!! See you soon!!
MEGAN! I miss you sister! I’m so excited that you are in a place that takes up part of my heart! Remember the kids names and say it to them often and love them and hug them. This experience is going to change you so take in all the details! Tell Tanner I say hello I miss him! Also give a big hug to your leaders I miss them too.
Megs! I love hearing all about it! I am so happy you love it and are around those amazing kids! I can’t wait to hear from Tanner! I love you both! Give my boy a hug! Love Amy
Oh my heart hurtttssss! I miss India so much! That doorbell thing made me laugh…classic India! And the photo of you with the kids is making me bawl. I love you Meg! Those kids are lucky to be learning from you, and you are lucky to be there and get touched by their happy souls! Can’t wait to hear more funny stories!
What an amazing experience you are having thus far, minus the .2 for the dog barking.
It’s been quite a few years since I was in India, but I don’t remember doorbells looking like light switches- haha. I do remember moth balls in our sinks and being touched a lot. People always wanted to take their picture with the tall white people.
Soak in as much as you can- make sure to write down all your experiences so that you can remember those feelings of service there forever.
Thank you for being a bright shining example to me and my girls. We all love you so much!!!
Can’t wait to hear all about it over sushi soon💙💙💙
Melissa, Elle and Emme
Ps- bring me back a rock. Lol
This is fantastic! I kinda want to know the significance of this gulaabee thing so maybe in your next blog you can explain that? Thanks. Hope you’re super happy, dude. See ya
megan! u and tanner are awesome dudes and plz have the best time in india with all the bestest kids they will learn so much from u cuz ur great
I can already tell I’m going to LOVE reading this blog! Sounds like you’re loving it already. Enjoy every minute.
Oh my word1 So fun reading your blog post, laughing and crying at the same time! You are amazing! What a great picture of you and your beautiful smile! I am literally reading the blog posts on the frontrunner train to Provo and laughing out loud in the train! haha Love ya!
Megan!! That picture is pure joy!!!! What an experience to have in your heart forever! I love everything about you!!!