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March 28, 2019 - 2019 Operation: Sapna
Today was amazing. The kids meet us at the bottom of a small hill we have to walk up to get to the school. They love walking with us and fighting over who gets to hold our hands. (we end up with about 12 on each arm it feels like) These kids hold my entire heart. I wake up early every day because I am excited to see them (and I NEVER wake up early) The kids have all the beauty of India in their eyes and their smiles. The love that they freely give me melts my heart. Today some of the girls from the secondary school came up to us during lunch and we got to meet them which was so cool! They are all so beautiful and I couldn’t stop thinking about them and how amazing it is that these kids literally hike through the Himalayas to a tiny village ( a couple thousand is small here ) just to get an education. It really opened my eyes to how much I take my own education for granted. The most walking I have to do for school is to and from my car. Which is not even close to a hike. I wish I could easily put into words the emotions I get seeing these kids. This truly has been an experience of a life time and I am so happy I get to be here. I am so beyond blessed to have met these kids and I realize that in a few years they will not remember the girl with the colored hair that they touch for good luck-but I will always remember all of the ways these kids have eternally changed my life. My mind cannot begin to comprehend what these beautiful souls have gone through at such a young age and they are stronger than I will ever be. And when I grow up I want to be exactly like them.
Karly-Quinn. We’ve been refreshing the blog page about hourly (it is truly one of the first things we do in the morning & last thing at night). We’ve read each post several times. How awesome it is to get to live a little vicariously with your and your team while you have this amazing experience! Thanks for being open and sharing with all the many hundreds of people checking the blogs with me.
Now you’ve seen it, be it.
Love you Kiddo.
I am one of the hundreds that have been checking the blog daily. The precious photos and inspiring stories that have been shared have literally brought me to tears on a daily basis. I don’t know which expression I love the most in this shot, the one of my beautiful niece, or the handsome little boy beaming at her. Thank you for letting me have a glimpse into your amazing experience Miss Karly Dawn!
Yay Kar! I am so happy for this experience that you have had! I am sure you have changed their lives just as much as they have changed yours. You are doing such an amazing thing! Keep up the good work girl, and take advantage of every moment!
You look like you are loving it! I bet that those kids love you so much. I am so glad that you have been given this opportunity. You are the best oldest sister ever! Even if it is only for a little while those kids are lucky to have you! I hope you keep having so much fun! Love you so much!!❤
Hey sweet girl! We are so proud of the good things you are doing!! Not only for the positive impact you are making on the lives of these beautiful children of God, but of the way you are allowing it to change your heart for the better. You are amazing and we love you!! Hugs from California 😎 Aunt Laurie
Karly, I love you so much. Thanks for being my best friend. I love you really much that you are in India, but I am still waiting for you. The family loves you so much.
I went to Dansa last year and it is seriously the greatest place on earth!! I love seeing them in your pics!
KARLY I miss you so much and I am so happy to see you THRIVING. We (MOPF) all miss you and people constantly ask where my other half is. I love you so much and I cannot wait to see you when you get back!! Do what you do best and bring happiness and joy wherever you go.
I’m happy to to see that you made it over and got settled in safely! I’m so jealous, but that’s okay, I can eventually move past it. Also, better not be hittin’ on any boys before we get married (unless they’re like REALLY hot). We can’t wait until you get back!
My beautiful Karly! I was so happy to see your post and your beautiful, smiling face! We miss you so much but are so glad that you are able to participate in so much awesomeness! I hope you are writing everything done so that we can relive your trip. Can’t wait to see you. Love you baby girl! – mom
Oh, Sweetheart! You worked so hard for this trip, and you made it happen. I can see by the happiness on your face and the faces of those beautiful children that you are on a life changing adventure. I am so grateful that you are having this experience and know that you will come back a different person. I love you and am so proud of you and the difference that you can make. We are both having amazing adventures on different sides of the world–you in India and me at the MTC in Provo, UT. We can share notes when you return! Love you bunches! Grandma Allan
MY BEAUTIFUL BABIES!!! They are all so big and I’m so happy to see their smiling faces. Give them all a big hug for me! Love you beautiful!
What an amazing experience, it’s so fun to hear your words and see the pictures of this opportunity you are having. Can’t wait to hear more about it when you get back!
Julie Lewis
So awesome! I love how you said you want to be like the kids when you get older! What a wonderful thought! Love it and live it! Love ya