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March 29, 2019 - 2019 Operation: Sapna
“Being happy does not mean everything is perfect…” Todd shared this quote with us, and I have been thinking about it a lot. We think everything has to be perfect for us to be happy and successful, but that is certainly NOT the case.
These Indian people are amazing to say thee least. Words can not describe these people. First they are very unselfish, I was told people were staying after hours for us to come and visit the sacred temple. This helped me realize I need to look to do the little extra stuff for people, to see their joy increase and worry less about myself. I can tell their joy also increases as we smile, wave, and thank them for what they have done for us. This is one of the best gifts you can ever receive.
I have seen people carrying fridges, 100 pound rocks, and bags of dirt on theirs backs, and this is what they do everyday. It amazes me every time. Other things that amaze me is the unconditional love they show. One of the elementary school teachers have asked me 2 times if I wanted to come and live with him. Also, the upper class (6th Graders) came up to me today to give me paper flowers and notes they have written the day before. It meant a lot to know that they thought of me. The translator said that when you are given paper flowers, that is how they show respect to someone. It is that stuff that I love, how they are not afraid to that the first step and put themselves out there. This is definitely something I need to work on.
A teacher is my school is so awesome. His brother passed away, and he was the first one to come and help. He already has to provide for his own family, and his mother, but decided to provide for his brother’s family as well. This is what India is all about. Family is absolutely everything here. When someone passes away, the whole city gathers together and mourns with them. Every city is basically one big family.
At times we tend to think everything has to be perfect for us to be happy. Nothing is ever perfect, so that never allows us to be happy. There are already so many lessons I have learned in India, and plan to change some things in my life to match the joy and happiness I have felt here. We tend to get distracted and do not know what actually brings us joy. We can always be happy no matter what situation we are in. This is one of many lessons I have learned.
I love and miss you all!! Can not wait to see you in a week. I am doing fine and India is AMAZING to say the least. XOXOXO
Loved your thoughts Jack – thank you for sharing them! What a gift to learn that truth – you can choose to be happy no matter what circumstances you are in.
thank you for sharing your thoughts! I appreciate the reminder to look for ways to be happy, not look for how things are perfect. I love the idea that happiness is available to us when we choose to find it, regardless of our circumstances. Thanks!
I loved your thoughts today. This is idea that happiness is always available to everyone at any time. What determines that is the lens in which we are looking through. Thank you for the great reminder.
Thanks, Jack! These are important life lessons that we all need to work on. I appreciate your insight!
OH jack! I love you so much! I am so proud of you! You make me cry tears of joy that you are experiencing this wonderful experience and your heart is increasing in love! You are such a wonderful son! You are a gentle giant like your leader said. I miss you so much! Love, mom