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April 2, 2019 - 2019 Operation: Sapna
Today we had a calm fun day exploring temples around the city of Rampur. The weather is so hot here hotter than Utah summer, so sorry to all the Utahans and the snow, (if it is even snowing) but we all here miss it a lot. We went to a beautiful hotel in Rampur for the day, we had an “American” lunch – pasta, FRIES, spaghetti, veggie casserole, etc. after lunch we went to a palace that only YMAD had SPEACIAL access too … thanks to Raj. Next, we headed to a courtyard in the hotel it had a big grass are and a lot of shade. We all sat around and did henna, took naps, and talked. Some pole went to the shops in Rampur because there is a big festival happening this weekend. After an hour of hanging out we went to this big conference room and gathered around in a circle and went around and shared our thoughts and what all of us kids are grateful for, including the leaders and translators. There were a ton of cute remarks from everyone … it was so cute that there were a lot of tears and love around the room. Now, ya’ll may be wondering why you wrote the letter, well if you didn’t know all of us kids got a little thing from home. Having the leaders going around handing out the letter, seeing everyone just bawl by reading their names on the envelope. We all had a big cry fest and hug fest. Even the boys cried !! After all the tears we had a big Indian dinner, stuffed full even the dessert ice cream was good – butterscotch woot woot. I have grown a special friendship with each and every kid here and cherish is every day and every other day after.
Today was another day of teaching at the schools, sadly it the second to last day so everyone is feeling a little sad since we all have to say goodbye to our kids tomorrow. Teaching these kids have been so fun and memorable, they’re crazy and wild 99% of the time but that’s what makes it fun and so exciting to see these kids every day and have them waiting for us at the top of the stairs and wish us a “good morning ma’am” and “good morning sir.” Love my village team Megan, Savannah, Nathan, and Adam, and of course our leader troy and our beautiful translator Preea, (sorry if I spelled that wrong), also our driver Rakesh. I am grateful for the support my village team gives to me and also the love they show and how we all motivate each other to hike the mountain we walk each day, 15 min of steep rock and dirt, after a long school day in the blistering heat, but fortunately in the morning its cooler. looking back at all the experiences, it has been so amazing being able to be here with my parents, cousins, and of course all of my new friend’s I can call my best friends forever. Here’s to more memories with the most amazing people aka ymad team and of course my village team. Can’t wait for more laughs, tears, hugs, and dumb jokes forever and forever. Love India, love these kids, LOVE YMAD.
Thanks again parents and friends for all the love, support, and confidence you give us kids !!
Xoxo grace !!
Well miss Grace you sure know how to make me cry! What a great post! I love that you are having such amazing experiences and you get to sure those with your mom, dad and cousins! I love your pictures and I can tell you are loving this! I’m so happy for you! Love you so much!
Aunt Britt
You are beautiful and amazing! So proud of you! love ya!