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April 3, 2019 - 2019 Operation Alo
On March 1st and 2nd, our YMAD group had the opportunity to have a retreat at the art studio. We played some games and got to know our group a little better, but also learned a lot about fundraising and leadership values. On Friday we learned about Integrity and Vision, two things that will help us to be more effective youth leaders. We also decided on a group name, and from now on we will be known as Operation Alo! We had a great visit from several YMAD alumni and got to hear more about some of the things we’ll be experiencing in November. Later, we split into teams that will each have certain responsibilities, like dancing, singing, social media, and thank-you notes. On Saturday, we learned a lot about good ways to fundraise and how we can meet and exceed our goal of $3900. In the end, we all had a lot of fun laying the foundation for a great year together!