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May 29, 2019 - 2019: vada ka yuva
Bridger, Collin, Jonas, Ella, Whitney, Haidee had their first day of teaching at the school in Mihar today. They all did a wonderful job of jumping right in and teaching the kids. Some of the younger kids were a little shy and hard to work with, but once they were able to get them involved in the lesson they started to opened up and have fun. When the school kids were asked to draw a picture of where they lived after a few minutes one little girl started to get mad. Our translator explained that the boy next to her was copying her and drawing the same things. We let her know that it was okay. They all had a few challenges due to the language barrier; we had the help of a local translator with us that did a wonderful job when we need give the kids instructions. There were some first-time jitters with not knowing what to expect from the kids and how the lessons would, but the youth were able to over come them and have fun with the kids they were teaching.
Hey Randy,
When you came to see us last fall and we were talking about you going to India, I thought what an amazing experience it would be for you and Eric to share together. I also wondered how your two big bodies would survive the travel. I would imagine it was less than fun! Having said that, I would imagine you two are somewhat of a spectacle for those little Indian kids! I’m so glad your there and hope your having an amazing experience!! When you get a chance, slug Eric for me!! Take care! Chris