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June 18, 2019 - 2019: Asha Ki Chamak
India just keeps getting better and better! Riding on the bumpy buses, tasting strangely good foods, and taking weird yoga classes where you about die from tiredness are some things that I will always remember. But the best memories that I’ve made so far are the ones where I am smiling and laughing with the cute little Indian kids. Today was our last day teaching in the schools and it was heartbreaking. Since we started teaching the kids I didn’t think about when it would end and when I would have to say goodbye. But now that tomorrow is our last day seeing them, I’m starting to become very VERY emotional! I just can’t explain how happy these kids make me. I don’t think anyone who doesn’t experience it for themselves can know the joy that these special kids can bring you. Since it was our last teaching day we did a little bit of review and then just took pictures and played around. We brought in a soccer ball and the kids absolutely loved it! When they were playing with it I thought about my life back home and how I get to play soccer every day and I don’t even think twice about how blessed I am to be able to play the sport. I have at least 10 soccer balls lying around in my house and they only have one ripped and flat one. This is a simple example, but there are a lot of things like this that I take for granted that these kids will never have or never be able to have. I’m just so thankful to be able to experience the joy and gratitude that these kids have even though they live such hard lives and have so little. This goes to show that true happiness doesn’t come from things and riches, it comes from within, and comes from your outlook on life and how you choose to live it.
I know that all I’ve been talking about is the kids but I just can’t get over them! They are by far the best part of India for me. My favoriteeee kid is named Vicrant. Holy moly I can’t explain how funny he is! Every time I look at him he makes a weird or cute face and starts to dance or do something crazy. And I can’t help but laugh as hard as I can when he does that. I just wish I could speak Hindi so that I could talk to him and learn more about his life and what he loves. He is a ray of sunshine and I know that I will never ever forget him. It’s so crazy how one person can completely brighten your day within a second. Ahh I’m just going to miss all of them so much! It’s like they are a part of me now.
I’ve talked enough about the kids haha, but now I want to talk about how it is here in India. It’s wonderful! Every time I walk out of our little hotel I feel like I’m living in a dream and I never want to wake up. The buildings are all colorful, the mountains are bright green, the streets are filled with people and fun noises, and the air is filled with the strangest/coolest smells. It all feels so unreal because it’s so different from what I’m used to. But that’s why I love it and why I want to stay longer and learn more and more about it. I’m just so thankful for this opportunity that I’ve had to come here and learn so much! I’ve truly been changed and can’t wait to share about the experiences and adventures that I’ve had. YMAD has been such a blessing to me and I’m just so dang happy! Once again, I LOVE INDIA!!!
Hannah. You are amazing. I’m so glad that you and Ada are experiencing this together. I hope you two are growing closer, and not just getting really sick of each other! 😉 I’m so grateful for your sweet friendship. ❤️
You’re right, you guys will never be able to fully communicate to us here what this expedition has meant for you. That’s what makes your connections with each other so special. This adventurous, eye-opening, life-changing, heart-wrenching experience will connect you all for life. That’s pretty awesome!
The words “Asha Ki Chamak” have been going through my head for days. It is such a fitting expedition name for your group. You are all the Brightness of Hope we need in the world. And your brightness will keep spreading wherever you go and whatever you do. I am tearing up thinking about you big precious kids saying goodbye to those little precious kids. We will be praying for you here, as always.
Love you Little Pannah! Hug Ada for me.
My heart just aches for all of you listening to you having to say goodbye. I can’t imagine what kind of bravery that takes. Thank you so much, to all of you for all of your wonderful entries. India is beautiful, the children are beautiful, you guys are beautiful. Thank you for brightening my life
Tiffnie McAfee (Cambria McAfee’s mom)
Dearest Hannah,
I loved reading your tender words, and cried at the thought of you having to say good-bye those darling kids, whom you’ve come to adore. These lyrics from the musical Wicked keep running through my mind and heart:
“I’ve heard it said
That people come into our lives for a reason
Bringing something we must learn
And we are led
To those who help us most to grow
If we let them
And we help them in return
Well, I don’t know if I believe that’s true
But I know I’m who I am today
Because I knew you…
It well may be
That we will never meet again
In this lifetime
So let me say before we part
So much of me
Is made of what I learned from you
You’ll be with me
Like a handprint on my heart
And now whatever way our stories end
I know you have re-written mine
By being my friend…
Because I knew you
I have been changed for good…”
Hannah (and all of you amazing youth), you have been changed for good. And you have changed the lives of those children in ways you may never understand. My hope is that their little handprints will forever remain on your hearts…that you will never, ever forget what you have felt in India. And that you will let it shape the rest of your lives.
Much love from home,
Hannah, it’s your Dad! You know I never post on any kind of media, but I was so touched by your message that I just couldn’t resist. Reading your comments about how much you love and will miss those kids reminded me of my own experience, almost 24 years ago, when I waved goodbye to the people of Argentina whom I had grown to love and cherish during my mission. As I got on the plane and looked out at their brown faces, I wept like I had never wept before in my life. I loved them so deeply, because i had served them and given them my heart. And I wept because I knew I would most likely never see them again in this life. But their faces, their smiles, their eyes, their voices—they would all be etched in my heart and mind forever. They had changed me, and my life would never be the same because of them.
I can see that you have been “changed for good” and I’m certain you have done the same for those sweet kids in India. May you carry this experience in your heart always, and as you leave that sacred ground in India and see those people for the last time, may you remember the words that warmed my aching heart 24 years ago (from the hymn) “God Be With You Til We Meet Again.”
I love you Hannah! Dad