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June 3, 2019 - 2019: vada ka yuva
This trip has without a doubt been one of the most impactful experiences of my life, if not the most. In the nine months prior to the expedition, us teens received leadership training in YMAD’s core values: integrity, courage, vision, forgiveness, gratitude, compassion, and inspiration. Those lessons had a great effect on me, but they still remained mostly theory until this trip. This trip those values have become very real, and very valuable to me. It’s hard not to tear up when I ponder how incredibly lucky, I am to have this opportunity. The service we are doing here has the effect of a cleaning agent. I can physically feel my whole psyche becoming lighter, and more loving.
Today I taught hygiene to our kids, teaching them to brush their teeth, cough in their elbows, take showers, etc. …. Cami, our nurse, says that at least 95% of them have gapingly painful cavities, yet they never stop smiling. The shoe person (I don’t know what they’re called) fitted the children, and gave them shoes, and two pairs of socks, for which YMAD paid. The kids were ecstatic when we gave them their shoes, and hygiene kits. The last group that I taught were overjoyed. Rohit wanted to show me how he could comb his hair. I had to keep Pooja from immediately putting shampoo in her hair, and Nisha kept on asking me to tie, and untie her bag. Even if you are not serving them, children will always try to uplift you.
The Bhagavad Gita, or the Song of God, is a Hindu scripture that lays out the various types of Yoga, a word that in this context refers to uniting, or reuniting yourself with God. It explains Raja Yoga which is essentially meditation, Bhakti Yoga which is loving-devotion to God, and Karma Yoga which is the religious practice of Seva, or selfless service to others. Mother Teresa, Mahatma Gandhi, and Martin Luther King Jr. are usually pointed to as being great Karma Yogis. I like to view this expedition as a Karma Yoga retreat. Before I left for India, I always had trouble conceptually understanding how serving others can literally bring your soul closer to the divine. This trip has helped me let go of conceptual understanding, and accept that if you serve selflessly, God will come and sit in your heart.
Thanks for sharing, Jonas. Love hearing about your experiences!
Love this. Thanks for sharing. Can’t wait to hear more.
Beautiful! Thank you for sharing Jonas.
You are a talented writer.
You are doing a great work. Thank you for sharing your kind heart with others.
You are grrrrrrrreat! ❤️. Good vibes!!!
You are the best Jonas, Keep up the strong work. Love You, Pop Pop.
So nice to see you actually there now, in that beautiful place and with those beautiful children! What an amazing life changing experience!
I’m so glad you are having this experience the joy of serving others! You are learning so much!
Beautifully said! Thank you for sharing your love and service with the Indian children. And your poignant Seva experiences with all of us readers at home!
It is so exciting to see you there and hear about the things your are doing! What a special and wonderful experience. Cant wait to hear more!