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November 27, 2011 - All Posts, 2011 Operation Prakash
Hey mom, dad and other family and friends who are reading the blog! I hope all is well back in the “801.” Has it snowed a butt-load yet? All is great here, well at least I’m loving it. I have made some progress in both schools and so happy about the bonds I have made with some of these kids. Yesterday (Saturday) was the last day of teaching. It was chaotic which is usually how it is here. It’s frustrating when the kids don’t understand the reasoning for our teaching. Our reason is to give these kids an education to help them be successful and stay out of prostitution. This mission gives me great hope in our propose! Yesterday was also a very exciting day because we did medical exams at the DBS and while doing the rotations of the medical exams, we took pictures of each girl with a short bio that will soon be on a website so these girls can get sponsors and hopefully get the essentials paid for. This is such a great thing for these girls because this way they can for sure stay in school no matter their family’s financial situation or their personal situation. These girls need this attention and care. If you can find money to help or you feel inclined to help, please do. If you saw these girls face to face, taught and played with them like I have, you would “take a bullet” for these girls. I am so happy I have had the chance and opportunity to be a part of this program and have had the opportunity to fly across the world to make a difference in the lives of the children that I have grown to love. I really don’t want to leave. At the Day Boarding School, or DBS as we call it, I have grown especially close to this one girl named Mongola. She is smart and has such a great light about her! When she smiles.. She’s such a cutie. With the language barrier, we haven’t had a great amount of conversation but we still can communicate through body language but in reality, how much can be said through shoulder shrugging and head nodding. The other day all the girls started to cry because they knew saying goodbye was coming soon. In the midst of all the crying and fake crying, I pulled Mongola aside and asking her if we could write when I got home. I don’t know if she knew what I saying actually saying, but I think she understood the message because she stopped crying and started smiling instead. I love this girl. Every time we show up to the DBS, she runs to my rickshaw and gives me a huge hug and looks up at me and says, “happy?” How could I not be. Today was our cultural exchange and we did pretty well. I was impressed with their dancing and their songs although some were really weird in my opinion. I am so grateful for this eye opening opportunity to change the lives of others and by doing that, changing my life and perspective. Thank you to my family and those who made this possible because this is seriously one of the best things that I’ve been involved in. So thank you, “dhanyavaad”, and LOVE YOU (Ama teke palabasi, probably not spelled correctly but you get the idea.) And mom, HAPPY BIRTHDAY on the 30th if I don’t blog before then. Love you!
“I’m ‘Pine” ( say it in your cutest indian accent – it means I am “fine” ) – Hannah Vanleeuwen