5 Things To Do with DUCT TAPE – Rebecca, Zoe, Emily, Katie, and Janessa

November 30, 2012 - All Posts, 2012 Operation Shakti

As we come to the end of our journey in India, we have become experts on all things gross, scary, and unfamiliar. We used our duct tape for EVERYTHING and we are so glad we brought it! We would like to share the tricks of the trade with you, our family and friends, in the hopes that you may find these tips helpful in your everyday adventures.

1. Let’s suppose your 50 lb. duffle bag rips open while taking a 22 hour flight from the USA to India. What do you do? You wrap up each hole with a boatload of duct tape and voila! The hole is no more.

2. While taking a 4 hour ride on a rickety bus from Sanderbans to Kolkata, the air conditioning is likely to blow so strongly that you catch pneumonia. The only solution is to duct tape the vents close! (If no duct tape is available, the curtains may also be shoved in the vent to block the air.)

3. Picture this: you find a cockroach on the pillow of your mattress. After a small freak out, you pull out your trusty rusty duct tape and catch that nasty little beast before he even has time to blink.

4. After living without a mirror for two weeks, you find that you have grown a unibrow. The only way to get rid of this lovely feature is to surgically remove it with some duct tape. Caution: surrounding skin may be removed and/or very tender for several days.

5. That awkward moment when you discover lice crawling on your scalp, you might be tempted to shave your head with your razor. However, you can
increase your efficiency by 30% if you grease your hair with olive oil and duct tape a plastic bag over your head. Please see the pictures for details.

Despite all challenges we have come across during this journey, we are having a WONDERFUL time here in India and we are so excited to share our adventures with all of you! This has been the trip of a lifetime and we are so happy to be here! We can’t wait to see you all on Sunday! Love you!

Love from Rebecca Pace, Zoe Cohn, Emily Winegar, Katie Craig, and Janessa Bond

P.S. Happy 18th Birthday Zoe! We love you! #lice #happybirthday #bestbirthdaypresentever #homewardbound #USA


4 Responses to “5 Things To Do with DUCT TAPE – Rebecca, Zoe, Emily, Katie, and Janessa”

  1. That duct tape was truly a necessary item to take, sounds like it came in handy for many things never dreamed of before! From here on out, everyone should travel with it:)Your post is so great to read. So happy to hear you are doing well and looking like you’re having fun (minus the lice). So excited to see all of your bright faces at the airport on Sunday.

    Shout out to my sweet Zobug!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, beautiful girl! I love you & miss you. Hope your 18th birthday is the most wonderful, unforgettable birthday yet. (not to mention the longest one you have ever had)! Love, mom 🙂

  2. Zoe, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Love the picture and the post! I am so grateful Em got to experience India with you. I know she thinks the world of you! What an incredible way to celebrate your 18th birthday!Love, Andrea WInegar

    p.s Em seeing the picture of you made me cry. Looks like you guys are having a blast! Love you and can’t wait to see you Sunday! Love, Mom – the blog stocker!

  3. Dear katie ! Thanks for all the posts !!! We can’t wait toHear about all the amazing things you did ! If you can do India
    You can do anything !!!
    Happy birthday Zoe ! Have a safe travel home
    Love mom

  4. wow…it worked. You guys are perfect…unibrow, raw skin, cockroach murderers and licey haired…we love you perfectly, and unconditionally…good thing you are taking care of these issues before we see you…LOL

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