A trip to Kullu, medical exams and more…

March 29, 2013 - All Posts, 2013 Operation: Zinda

Greg D, Susan, Raj and I spent the day in Kullu yesterday. We started the day out with what was meant to be a two hour drive, BUT, IST, kicked in. (India Standard Time) and it took us nearly four hours instead.  There we gathered supplies for all four of the schools. Supplies included, backpacks, notebooks, desks, benches, new carpet and rugs for the children to sit on, pressure cookers, rice cookers, the list goes on and on.  We left Kullu after a full day of shopping around eight at night.  It was a sight to see in our small SUV.  In the front we had our driver and Raj, and in the back it was Susan, myself, and Greg along with all three of our very big backpacks, and in the very back our car was FULL of all the school supplies.  There was not one inch that wasn’t covered.  Aside from that the top of the car was packed as well.  It was a very “comfy” ride home.  As soon as we left it started to down pour on us.  I have to admit I was a little apprehensive about the drive home. Twisting roads with lots of bumps and hydro planning could make anyone nervous.  We pushed through the rain and made it safely back to camp around 10pm.  We were greeted by our YMAD kids with lots of smiles and amazing stories of their day.
Flint, Katy and I started the day with medical exams at Erin’s school.  For the most part these children are very healthy.  The most common situations seem to be, built up ear wax and poor dental care.  I loved watching Flint interact with these young children.  While doing a basic check up on the kids, he truly took the time for each one of them (about 30 kids) He made them smile and laugh all the while and even gave them a piece of candy at the end of the exam.  He truly made these kids eyes brighten by his sweet demeanor, (and no it was not because of the light that he shown in their eyes while checking them.)  He is an amazing doctor and we are truly blessed to have him with us on this trip.

Katy is one amazing Intern! I don’t know where Greg and I would be without her.   She is on top of everything and never has to be asked to do something.  She just does it.  Aside from that, she gives everything to these children.  Always makes them smile and she always says “okay, now THIS is the cutest girl, or THIS is the cutest boy” she loves them all and we always joke how we want to pack them in the empty duffle bags (oh if were only that easy) WE LOVE KATY and how hard she worked in the USA and especially here in India, her efforts are truly paying off.

One of the most amazing things for me on this trip is that I’m not only here with husband but my older sister Marci.  On the first day that we went to the schools, I had the opportunity to go with her and her YMAD kids to their school.  I loved watching her in action at her school.  She gives her full heart when she is there, and because of that quality it cant help but trickle down to the youth.  Greg and I have been involved in this program for over 8 years and I have never seen an adult leader give more of herself to the children of India and the YMAD kids.  She has such a mothering nature about her and for those of you who know her she is a motivator beyond measure.  Her team spirits are always high.

Today after visiting the schools I went up to Greg Stewarts school where his team was painting mural’s for their school.  Marci’s school was finished with projects so they went to help.  As I talked with Marci I asked her how her day had gone, she shared with me a picture of a little girl that she had picked up to play with.  This little girl fell asleep right on her shoulder.  She had expressed to me how she felt that some of these kids do not get the love and affection they should.  I loved looking at this picture because you could tell from this sweet girl’s face, even though she was asleep that she felt loved.  It made my heart melt that this little girl that had only known Marci for a short amount of time felt love from her.  But it didn’t surprise me one bit, because that is the type of person she is.  She shows love to all and anyone.  India and the school of Kandi is a better place because Marci has touched the lives of people here.  I’m so blessed to call her my sister. I love that we have another thing in common, India!

Megan Davis

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