INDIA-My Happy Place (Madeline Hansen)

November 20, 2013 - All Posts, 2013 Operation: Roshni


I cannot even describe how amazing these past two days have been. I have fallen in love with the scenery, the culture, and the children. Everything is better than I could have ever imagined. Words and pictures do not explain a fraction of how beautiful and amazing this country is.

 Teaching in the school is by far my favorite part. The second I see the children everything changes. I am no longer worried about teaching and I want to do everything I can to make some sort of a difference in their life. They are simply amazing. They love learning and try so hard to take everything in—even though they have no idea what I am saying most of the time. They are an inspiration to me.

The boys at the ashram are so full of energy and exude light. They have had such a hard life and they still find joy in the simplest things. They are entertained with just about anything. Yesterday we hid four small bills around and they went on a scavenger hunt to find them. At the end we asked the three boys who found the money what they were going to buy. One said he was going to buy a pen and the other two said a notebook. It was incredible to hear what is most important to them. We have no idea what a blessing our education is. They are so anxious to learn and want to make something of their life.

To sum it up, I love it here. I never understood, until I got here, how incredible this opportunity is. I am learning what is truly important in life and that I am capable of making a difference. I am so excited for the rest of the trip, and I am already dreading the day I have to say goodbye to the children and this country. This really is my happy place.

-Madeline Hansen



8 Responses to “INDIA-My Happy Place (Madeline Hansen)”

  1. Madeline, I am so thrilled for you! I was very touched by your post and I can feel the sincerity in your words. You are a natural leader and have a tremendous capacity for service. I hope India continues to change and grow you; you’re amazing! We miss you!

  2. I can’t tell you how much I love your post Madeline!! I can feel how much you are loving it in India!! I couldn’t be happier for you!! This is an incredible experience and opportunity that I know you will keep with you forever!! We are sending all of our love, thoughts and prayers your way!!Love you with all of my heart!!!!

  3. Hi cute Madeline! You sound so amazing! I am so happy that you are having such a wonderful experience! Those children are very lucky to have you there with them, and I’m sure they feel of your love and goodness! You are in my thoughts and prayers daily and I look forward to hearing all about your time there! Enjoy every day-it will go fast (but not fast enough for this one boy I know! Haha!Be safe!

  4. Hi Madeline -good to see you so happy 🙂

  5. Madeline, I am so proud of you and all you have done to get ready for this experience. I know you will touch the lives of those you teach and meet in India. Please know we miss you greatly and are excited to hear about the many life changing experiences you will have over the next two week. Be Safe…Love you.

  6. Madeline!!! These pictures are perfect. I love your post!!! I can’t imagine how much the kids love you. Love you!

  7. Madeline! I am so happy for you! This has to be the coolest expirience ever! I can tell that you are getting along great with the kids just from your pictures! I’m thinking about you always! Have so much fun!Love you!


  8. Madeline- Your beautiful smile says it all! I am glad that you are enjoying every opportunity to make a difference in these sweet lives. You are such an amazing girl! WE miss and love you!
    Andrea McBride

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