Angela Hales- Never Coming Home

November 23, 2013 - All Posts, 2013 Operation: Roshni


We have only been here for five days and I have already gained a deep love for Chamba and my kids. The culture here is just so amazing and beautiful. I love how peaceful and joyful the people are when they truly have nothing. Its amazing to see the happiness they get from just little things, like when we gave the children in my ashram a cricket ball and bat. Their faces automatically lit up and they couldn’t be more thankful for such a small gift. I really hope to become more like them.

At our school in Sahu, I have fallen in love with so many of the children. They all call me either Didi (sister) or Angilie. Its hard to pick a favorite, but since day one I have always had one girl, Rashma, whom I really connect with. She’s nine years old and has the most beautiful eyes I’ve ever seen. Often she comes up to me and says, “Angilie and Rashma friends.” Its going to be so hard to leave her.

My team group here is so perfect and I am truly grateful to be able to work with them. We all work very well together and I love watching them all click with the kids. I have truly made life long friendships with all of the people in my group.

Kristen, Lauren, and Dylan will always be my car ride, selfie pictures, and dancing buddies.

Sarah and I both love music and will always be able to understand each other and talk. I love watching her with all of the kids. She is such a great teacher and has such a love for them.

Jamison and Sandon are both always so kind to me and we all can tell each other our secrets and share laughs together.

Our group has had the privilege to work with Matt Turner. He is so amazing with the kids and is really their older brother. I love being able to talk with him. He has such a fun personality. I am so grateful he has joined our group.

Brooke is such an amazing leader who is filled with love and helps us in so many ways. She really is my mommy here and I love her to death!

Today we had the wonderful opportunity to go to an amazing culture exchange at a local high school. They welcomed us openly and treated us like royalty. When we first walked in I felt so special and could really feel the bond between us. Its hard to describe how truly amazing it was.

Its hard for me to think that we are leaving Chamba on Wednesday. Im going to miss my kids so much! I never want to leave them. Sahu has so many bright kids who really have so much going for them. I’m so glad I was able to help them take their first step on this long road they have to success.


P.S. Mommy I miss you telling me to take my vitamins but don’t worry I am not sick at all! I actually feel great! And please give my new niece a kiss from me! I’m so excited to meet her. Daddy I miss watching all of our shows together! Hopefully you are recording them for me so we can have a marathon when we get back! I love you both so much.

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