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August 3, 2014 - All Posts, 2014 Operation: Junglee
Hi everyone!
So we are now in Kullu, it’s great but so so different from Jibhi. Leaving Jibhi was hard. One of my favorite last memories with the girls was giving them and teaching them about hygiene kits. They were beyond excited. Watching them learn to floss was so funny, and they couldn’t wait to wash their hair. And then we had to go. 🙁 We went from the mountains to the crazy city. If you asked me about the weather here I would tell you it’s pretty hot. #supersweaty I am really grateful for bucket showers even if they are cold, quite refreshing. If you ask me about the food I would say it’s Indian. I think it all tastes the same. (Except for tonight! Maggie and Nick made us spaghetti and it was delish.) Today at the school was super fun. We played with water balloons and made tons of bracelets. The girls are so cute and sassy. They really like taking pictures on my phone and they call us ma’am. “ma’am ma’am ma’am” I love it, I love them. Change of subject; Tyona is my roommate. She’s the greatest and tells me funny stories, and she also sleep-talks, which keeps things interesting. There are huge jumping spiders in our room that come out of the walls and the baseboards. Surprisingly I’m not that scared by them. Sorry this isn’t longer mom, dad, and grandparents… Things are really good and I’m loving it! Love you and miss you all very much. (Also hello to my brothers!)