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May 31, 2017 - Uncategorized
Dear Mother, this blog is special for you. Knowing how panicked you were about the driving and all the pictures you saw so I thought I would share some of our experiences with them. These drivers are absolutely crazy. They drive fast and they drive furious. Here we are in a bus of about 20 people speeding through winding mountain roads that are barley wide enough for one bus but somehow they manage to fit two busses side by side. If you get to a point in the road where both cars can’t fit next to each other, somebody gets out of they car with a whistle and guides the driver with only a whistle how to back up and where to go. Motorcycles are zooming passed cars honking their horns so everyone knows they are there. While we are on the topic of their horns I can’t wait to get home and imitate how they sound because they are very entertaining. People are walking along the side of the road quite bravely given how little room there is for these fast cars cutting every corner. Sometimes a cow or two may wander its way into the street. It’s crazy how close these cars get to each other because it seem like they would hit you but they don’t. I’m not really sure how there isn’t a collision everyday but somehow they make it work. The weirdest part about it all is how much trust you have in each driver. Although it sounds scary (and sometimes is) you feel safe with they and you don’t question their methods. We all trust them with our lives yet we don’t know they but they haven’t let us down yet, and hopefully they won’t (fingers crossed).
But the best part of riding on the bus is getting of the bus. Only because it means we are walking up to our school. I often find myself thinking about how insane it is that I’m actually in India but when I am sitting with the kids and teaching them all about animals it doesn’t seems so crazy. It feels like I am meant to be here. The first day with the kids was an experience of learning how to teach the lessons given the environment and the circumstances and trying to adapt teaching styles to each age group. But arriving on the second day was a whole new experience. Even though you have only been with the kids one day you feel like you have know them forever and it feels like you see them all the time. As I walked into the school they all greeted me with the biggest smiles on their face. We went through the day and taught them lessons and games and then they taught us how to play some of their games. It is so interesting walking into a place and instantly feeling love from every single person there. The kids have already taken my heart. Its heartbreaking to think I only get to see them for two short weeks.
But mom, the moral of this story is that I am not a bad driver, I just belong in India driving (scary to think of a country full of people driving like me). Also I don’t know if I can come home because I can’t leave these kids. It’s only taken two short days for me to fall in love. The weird toilets, bucket showers, insane driving, dirt, and every other stereotypical thing people think about India makes the experience that much better because in comparison to how much good we are doing here, I don’t find myself missing all those things as much as I should. But I am looking forward to coming home and talking your ear off telling you all of my stories. I love you and miss talking to you for hours everyday about all the chaos in my life so I hope you are looking forward to listening to two weeks worth of stories when I get back. And to the rest of the family I love and kinda miss you too I guess. I can’t wait to bring home gifts for you all!! Shane I hope you are feeding my fish and mice!
Much love from India,
So good to finally hear from you Megan. It sounds like you are having so much fun and enjoying this wonderful experience even with the driving situation. Although I read Gabrielle’s post and she mentioned the numerous time you bumped your face into the window. Ouch! (But like you said….you should be used to it but you don’t get to stay, I can teach you to drive better)! I’ve missed you like crazy and I can’t wait for you to come home to hear all your stories and talk my ear off. The fish and mice are being fed but not by Shane (guess by who)? I love you and miss you so much, the children are so lucky to have you there! Love – Mom
Megan you are such a good person to do this. Have fun and hang on tight when in the bus. Aunt Lisa
Megan, are you sure you didn’t learn to drive in India? Glad to hear you are enjoying your experience in India, an experience you will never forget and never regret. Enjoy it and make the most of it. Can’t wait to see your pictures and hear about your wonderful trip.
It’s pretty terrifying that there is a whole country of people that drive like you. I don’t think I would ever want to drive or get in a car with anyone if that was the norm here in America. I’m so glad that there are people like you in the world, that are so selfless and caring and are able to go and do something like this (because let’s be honest, I am definitely NOT cut out for this kind of thing). I’m so excited you’ll have these wonderful memories to cherish and that you’re changing the lives of these kids out there. I can’t wait until you come home and I can hear all about your trip. Enjoy the rest of your time in India!!
<3 Dayna