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June 5, 2019 - 2019: vada ka yuva
Today was unfortunately our last day with the schools and it was pretty dang heart breaking. You put all the time, effort and soul into this project and then it’s over in a heartbeat. But on the bright side (pun intended) we got to do our cultural exchange dance to the kids. It wasn’t much of an exchange and more of a performance.
The cultural exchange was a lot better than everyone anticipated for sure and most of our stuff we “planned” the night before. So for just on the fly performing it was pretty good with all of our swing dancing, rap battles about America that nobody understood, and a lot of line dances. If you do know me as a person, I detest line dances with a fiery passion and most of our dancing was one big huge line dance. But because of our love for the children, I enjoyed myself and we danced well. Also, our translators now think that I can have a career in rapping because of my rap battle performance but I don’t think that my ethnicity matches that dynamic 🙂
Overall this trip was a success and life changing for many individuals, and it’s been said, many times, many ways, but if we improved the life of even one child then our trip would’ve been a success and the feelings of love that we left them and that they left on us were totally worth all of the hard and grinding work.
I am Isabella’s Grammy and I have enjoyed your blogs very much. Thank you for sharing this journey with me!😊
I hope some video was taken of “the performances” so we can all see them when you all get home! You have all done a remarkable thing and truly have touched lives forever!
I hope we get to see some video of this! Dad and I are anxious to hear about all of your experiences, especially the connections you made with those beautiful kids. I can only imagine they will be imprinted on your heart forever. Thank you for showing us what loving one another looks like. Happy & safe travels home!
We have grumble-based GoPro video of these 🙂