Hi Abby’s Mom by: Dallin Brown

June 19, 2019 - 2019: Asha Ki Chamak

These past few days have been quite the ride. Teaching in the schools has gone very well for me. I think my problem was relying too much on the lesson plan because once I started winging it, which I’m very good at, the kids started having a great time. On the fourth day I taught a simple math lesson to all the groups and had the opportunity to test each of them one on one. We had a younger group that had been causing quite a bit of trouble the first few days and it was becoming too much to handle. After brainstorming, our team decided to place one of the older kids into the group which was turned out to be an amazing idea. The older boy’s name was Ritik and he helped out a ton during my math lesson. If any of the kids were confused, he could explain it to them way better than I possibly could. Fun fact, we also recently learned that our school is known for having discipline issues which is why these kids have been a bit of work.

During the fifth day I don’t know what came over me but I was sleepy all day. Keyword ‘sleepy’. I wasn’t exhausted from our hike up to the school, tired from lack of sleep, or from being mentally exhausted. For whatever reason I was just inevitably sleepy. My lesson during that day was Transportation, and for part of the lesson I had a bag for of trains and train tracks. So being the problem solver I am, I saw that the kids were all having a great time and playing super nicely together, the floor was looking real comfy to I just laid right down and took a sweet and blissful nap (Photo evidence provided kindly by Gretta). Watching the kids play with the trainset was a total blast. Two girls were playing by me and had built a hospital so whenever they had someone riding fall off, they would take them to the hospital and it was really sweet to watch. We also got to finish off the fifth day by going to an awesome restaurant that had some pretty great pizza. I think the thing I’ve missed most is some sweet juicy meat. I have never craved steak, hamburgers, meatballs, or chicken sandwiches more in my entire life.

Today has been an amazing experience but quite the roller coaster. We were given the option to call home today, but I’m not interested. I’ll be expecting my mission call soon and I think it’s a nice way to test my family in the case I get called to a third world country where I can’t be under constant mom surveillance. Honestly the only stuff I really miss is my bed and certain American foods. Today we were given the opportunity to perform our song and dances for a very fancy school in a big cultural exchange. Picture an American private school but in the middle of India. In our cultural exchange the kids (grades k-12) were absolutely amazing. We sang our songs and did our dances and totally crushed it. We later were able to meet with the heads of the school and all the class captains for lunch. I was able to chat with some really cool kids that had amazing English. During this lunch-in, multiple kids confirmed to me that I was the most enthusiastic and fun to watch during our performances. I could be humble here but I absolutely agree with them cause I owned it out there. One of the older head boys also confirmed to me that all the girls were crushing over Chase. The YMAD girls were super obsessed with the Head Boy of the school that played guitar and sang English songs with everyone during lunch.

The food provided was delicious but caused a bit of a scare. A member of our expedition, Joseph, got a really bad allergic reaction and was rushed off to a hospital. Luckily, he is starting to improve but that was way too serious and a super close call for Joseph. I don’t care if your religious or not but please keep him in your prayers. That’s all from me for now. Sorry my dear family for not wanting to call but you guys will survive. I love you all and big thanks to Abby’s mom for commenting on my last post. Bye-bye! – Dallin Brown

6 Responses to “Hi Abby’s Mom by: Dallin Brown”

  1. Great insights! So glad to hear Joseph is on the mend! I love how you guys look out for each other. Enjoy every minute.

    Claudia (Joseph’s mom)

  2. Dallin,

    Wow! Very interesting post. In the immortal words of Ricky Ricardo (which he may or may not have said), “You have some splainin to do”, especially to your mother. We’ll be sure to have some meat and humble pie on your return. Glad to hear that Joseph is doing better and we’ll keep him in our prayers and thoughts. Enjoy the rest of your trip and safe travels! See you at the airport on Sunday – maybe.



  3. Dallin Brown! Super fun funny post. Can’t wait to hear your mom’s reaction!

  4. I just scrolled past your dad’s comments. Good luck on that Humble pie ; )

  5. Well this post has the best title ever! I’m not sure how I missed it the first time! I love all these posts and I feel bad that that I didn’t click the heart button on every single one. I am going to go do that right now.

    Safe travels everyone. I have loved all your pictures and all of the amazing experiencers you are having.

  6. Wait…….are there two Abby’s? 🙂

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