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August 30, 2019 - 2019: Operation Parivar
Our team meeting was a huge success. We were able to get so much done. It was exciting because it was our first official meeting as a village team.
As we checked off the stuff for our emergency lesson it was really fun seeing everyone’s lessons and how creative they were. It was also fun just hanging out and getting to know each other more. As we were talking about emergency lessons and stuff we were able to help each other out with questions like which children’s book they should get.
After we talked about the emergency lesson and other details we were able to have some yummy snacks and this eclair cake that Britt made, it was so yummy.
After that we all had to roll dice to see you would be teaching lessons. Me and Tyler were the lucky people that got to do it. Each of us were given a bag that would be one of our lessons and twenty minutes to teach it. Tyler went first because he knew what he was doing. While he was going through our lesson he was able to teach our group a lot about teaching the kids in India and how different age groups will act differently and will understand things a lot differently. He explained that the kids in India will know how to say the word “blue” but they wouldn’t be able to tell you what blue looked like and that is what we are going to teach them.
After Tyler went, I went. Not gonna lie, I was nervous because I had no idea what I was doing. I had looked and read the lesson but I still was scared and unsure of what I was doing. At the beginning it was a little rough but as we kept going I was able to learn so so much and get the hang of things. I am very grateful I had that opportunity to practice teaching.
After that we got to choose songs for our team’s video and it was a lot of fun learning so many new songs and everyone’s style of music. It was fun to hang out with our team and learn so much. It made me even more excited for India!