To put it simply this trip has been amazing so far

June 10, 2024 - 2024 OperationAjeya, All Posts

So to put it simply this trip has been amazing so far. However, it needs to be said that getting here to Kullu was quite simply hell. Sleep was constantly a challenge, good seats on the planes was as likely as winning the lottery, and not being able to shower, stretch out, and put on a fresh set of clothes felt like prison. Arriving at Delhi at 3 in the morning was the craziest experience ever and can best be described as a fever dream. You see, unlike Utah, India never goes to sleep. Even at 3 in the morning there were people everywhere. Traffic was super heavy, road construction was everywhere, and the driving itself can best be described as organized chaos. Honking is constant and basically a courtesy, lanes are merely suggestions, and the drivers are the most skilled human beings on the planet. On our way to Kullu while driving alongside goliath sized mountains and cliffs (along narrow roads), we narrowly missed a big rock slide. 90% of the group missed it while we were all pretty much asleep. But me (cooper) and a few others witnessed the slide. Our driver had to quickly reverse the bus and before I could  process what had just happened, there was a massive plume of smoke surrounding and obscuring vision around the bus. I kid you not, had we been 5 or 10 seconds ahead of schedule, rocks would have come raining down on our bus. It most certainly would have busted windows and damaged our vehicle. In my opinion, someone could have easily gotten seriously injured or killed. Luckily, we were able to maneuver around the slide and make it to Kullu safely. Anyways, Day 1 of teaching went really well! I’ll let some of the other kids fill in on these details.

2 Responses to “To put it simply this trip has been amazing so far”

  1. Thank you for posting pictures, it helps me visualize your experience. continue to have fun!

  2. Scary. I had no idea.

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