The India Experience By: Abi Foster

June 11, 2024 - 2024 OperationAjeya, All Posts

The India Experience
By: Abi Foster

Traveling to India was definitely very long and uncomfortable, it was hard to sleep in the cramped seats so I mostly watched Captain America movies over and over, because obviously they never get old. We finally arrived in Delhi at around 2 in the morning, but it was probably the hottest it’s been so far. The buses were really nice and comfortable, when we were driving through the mountains we had a rock slide fall right in front of us, like a matter of seconds and we would have at least had some nasty dents in the ceiling. Traffic is always happening all the time, and they honk instead to communicate, which is pretty interesting. So, you hear honking 24/7. Even though lanes are painted, people ignore them and somehow squeeze in two to three more cars, it’s crazy! And with all the traveling I didn’t know what day it even was until this morning.

There’s so many unique things about Kullu, and India as a whole. There’s lots of stray dogs that roam around, but most of them seem well fed. There’s also lots of cows that just walk around. All the buildings are so colorful on the mountainsides, even though they’re small and simpler. People build their own houses with sticks, bricks, trash, and concrete too. The people are very nice but we do get stares wherever we go.

Yesterday teaching went pretty good, we got our villages and got to know the kids a little. They’re incredibly respectful, they always call me and the other girls “Memji.” Today it was so much better, I think for everyone too. The kids are more comfortable, and we all kinda got into a teaching groove. My school is pretty far and high up on the mountain, it definitely has the best view. Every now and then we are met face to face with a bus though and we have to drive backwards to get out of their way, since the road really is only big enough for one car. They make it work though with two small cars, by inches. I taught insects today, and we looked for bugs, made butterflies, I think they really enjoyed it! They adore games so much and always have so much fun with it.

Later today we made some hygiene kits to give out tomorrow, and got some dessert down in the market. Some of us got brownies that were so hot they were smoking, we had to air the place out! It was meant to be like that though so it’s okay.

Excited for the rest of our time here!


8 Responses to “The India Experience By: Abi Foster”

  1. Yay- thanks for posting 😉 Love you!!!

  2. PS I hope you are taking lots of pictures of the views 🙂

  3. So proud of you Abi and your whole team too. What a wonderful adventure.

  4. Abi! You seem to be having a wonderful time!!!
    It is great to see you growing and thriving outside your comfort zone like a wild orchid! I bet those kids ADORE you!
    Enjoy and soak it all in!!! And give my Olivia a hug for me!

  5. Hi Abi, it looks like you are having a lot of fun.

  6. Abi!!! I am SO proud of your courage and dedication with doing YMAD! Way to go girlie! Keep up the good work! You are in so many prayers for happiness, health and safety to complete your important work!

    Biggest hugs ever!

    Mama Ras

  7. Somehow, my first comment didn’t save. Thank you so much for sharing, we love to hear from you. You look so happy and that gives us so much joy!

  8. Love hearing about your experience. The bus backing down the mountain road makes me cringe though.

    Captain America? 😊

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