Will coming to you from india!

June 11, 2024 - 2024 OperationAjeya, All Posts

Hey everyone, this is Will coming to you from india! I was so excited when I heard it was my
opportunity to blog, as I have so much news and exciting things to say! As you guys may not
know, traveling to India is a very rigorous and tough experience. Knowing this I went into the
journey with a positive mindset. However, after about 20 hours of traveling halfway across the
world my optimistic attitude began to fade. I was finding myself starting to talk down about
myself and my ability to complete this adventure. It was difficult to find the good, however, the
friends I made along the way made traveling much easier. We found ourselves screaming at the
top of our lungs when everyone was sleeping, going from playing uno, card games, I spy, and
lots of singing. Having these people around me made me change my perspective and attitude
for the better. While driving through the city of Delhi I saw many things that caught my eye, one
thing that stuck out to me was the homes of people in India, as well as the overall infrastructure.
I found beauty in what was called a chaotic mess. You look at the sides of the mountains in
Kullu and you see an array of brightly colored houses. In this you see a community, although
almost millions of people live here everyone helps each other and almost seems like one big
family. When I see these people's lives I think of back home where everyone keeps to
themselves. I see a lack of compassion and coming together back home. Here in India I look out
of my balcony in the morning and I see homes that are barely being held up by sticks and mud,
dogs and cows roaming the street for dinner which is trash people have left. It breaks my heart
to see this, however, in my life I don’t think I've seen happier people who appreciate living to just
simply live. This takes me to the children I have met at our school. If you think you’ve seen a
happy kid, wait until you see the smiles of these kids. They warm my heart as 8 kids latch onto
my arms and back just wanting to be held. I love being the best part of their day as they scream
in joy when they see our car pull into the school. Something I’ve found I loved was having the
kid being brought out in me as we play games and singing Baby Shark over and over again.
Since this is Day 2 this is all I can put to words for right now, I love you mom and dad. Even
though it makes me sad thinking about coming home, I am very excited to see you.


4 Responses to “Will coming to you from india!”

  1. I am excited to see your pictures! I’m glad that you have turned this experience into a positive one. I can visualize the kids latching on your arms and back so much fun!

  2. Love reading these blogs. What an amazing experience for these kids. Can’t wait to read more.

  3. Like your honesty, Will

  4. Sounds like a grueling initial journey. I love thinking about all those little kids running up to you though. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

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