Will Blog

June 13, 2024 - 2024 OperationAjeya, All Posts

Imagine the best driver you know, now times their skills by a thousand and they still would not be comparable to your average daily driver here. I have started to become desensitized to the hundreds of cars we pass with only inches to spare. Every morning my team drives up the side of a mountain on a one lane road with a wall on one side and a cliff on the other. On every blind turn the driver honks his horn to warn any oncoming traffic that they need to move so that both of us can squeeze by. Today the city bus was our oncoming traffic so the driver put the car in reverse, drove halfway down the switchback and partway off a cliff to let the bus pass.

Today in the school we handed our kids the supply bags, their faces lit up as soon as they saw the bag of pencils and school supplies. All of the kids are so dedicated. All of the kids have name tags that are collected at the end of the day. In all the commotion of passing out bags we forgot to collect name tags until half the kids had left. The determined remaining kids dropped their bags and ran three hundred yards down the street to collect the name tags from their classmates

India is hot, stinky and the most amazing place I have every been I have enjoyed every minute and can’t wait to come home and tell everyone about the other side of the world

-Will Monson

3 Responses to “Will Blog”

  1. Hot and Stinky lol! I’m glad that you are having a good time. I love that these kids are getting school supplies. I can’t wait to see them when they get the cars.
    Tell Tyler Hi from home please.

  2. Is that a spider on the wall?if that is it’s huge!

    love Ayvie (Tims granddaughter)

  3. What a fantastic description! Makes me nervous just reading about driving those roads. I’m grateful you get to have this experience and can’t wait to hear more details when you get home. You are lucky to be able to get to know the kids and people who live there in such an intimate way.

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