In A Word From Tim

June 14, 2024 - 2024 OperationAjeya, All Posts

Travel uneventful. A good thing. As promised, the bus ride is long but way more comfortable than the planes.
We landed at 1:30am, on our way on the bus around 3:30am or so. Arrived in Kullu around 5 or 6pm. Checked into our hotel, appropriately named Hotel Aroma. Had diner in the hotel and prepared ourselves for Day 1 teaching on Monday.
Our typical day looks something like this:
8am breakfast
9 – 9:30 leave for schools
10 or so teach to 1pm
1pm lunch
2pm teach to 4pm
Arrive back at hotel
6pm dinner
7pm activity / shopping / free time
10pm lights out
As you might imagine, most teens seem to like to stay up late. Until they realize how exhausted they are anyway. I think they’re there now. Sleep deprived a bit. Weather hot. Teaching exhaustion.
These teens are incredible. They’re doing such great service for the people of India. Make no mistake tho – the greatest service they are providing may just be to themselves. They’re growing in many ways. They’re realizing how great their lives are in America. They ‘re seeing how much humility plays a role in success, connecting with others, and finding meaning in life by realizing that what matters most in life cannot be measured in dollars, material possessions, or status. What matters most is it he relationships we have with ourselves and with others.
I could go on and on about the greatness of each of these teens, and each of the adult leaders. Too many examples of wonderful interactions and acts of kindness have I witnessed to write here. Just know that we’re enjoying our experience together and people reading this should be very very proud.
If I had one word to describe each member of this team, in this moment, it would be this:
Abi. Thoughtful
Aden. Amiable
Alema. Humble
Alysa. Courageous
Anna. Talented
Bella. Brave
Brad. Energetic
Brenner. Adaptable
Charlie. Enthusiastic
Cori. Artistic
Cooper. Considerate
Devin.  Gentle
Jeff. Balanced
Marcy. Determined
Maria. Driven
McKenzie. Cheerful
Olivia.  Caring
Sloan. Present
Ty. Peaceful
Vivian. Committed
Wendy. Compassionate
Will F. Inspiring
Will M. Determined
We left home a week ago. Wow, that was quick.
I’m honored to be a part of this. I love it. I am grateful for the experiences with these wonderful and amazing humans. Each continues to inspire me me in their own unique ways.
And let’s not forget you all at home. Grateful for you too. Parents, YMAD peeps, many others. We wouldn’t be here without your support, both pre-trip and ongoing during it. Thank you thank you

4 Responses to “In A Word From Tim”

  1. Thanks Tim for taking care of our kids!

  2. Aroma Classic! Now THAT is a classic!

  3. Thank you to all the leaders there and those helping with our kids. I am so excited for this experience for Devin. It is fun to read everyone’s experiences and see their pictures. Each one helps us to better understand all that is happening each day. It is so great to hear about all that they are learning.

    Thanks again for guiding them through this amazing experience.
    LaRee VanderToolen

  4. YMAD
    You Make a Difference. Tim
    Love you 😘

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