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November 30, 2012 - All Posts, 2012 Operation Shakti
As the journey comes to a close, I’m going to miss India very much. There will be plenty of things I will be happy to leave behind like the air quality and non-flushing toilets, but the people and especially the children of India, I will forever remember. I do not think I will be given this same kind of unconditional love again.
Our village was in Koch Puker, the highest most remote village for teaching in Baripur. These children and their families amaze me. I cannot even fathom the way they live their lives, because it is completely opposite of mine. I have the highest respect for the people of Koch Puker, and I am going to miss their smiling faces and childlike hearts. They give so much when they have so little.
The girls at the Day Boarding School are completely perfect. I don’t care that they have lice or that they don’t know what deodorant is I would do anything to spend another day with them. They have taught me so much more than I could ever teach them about the purpose of life and friendship. They are completely non-judgmental and the happiness I felt with them is indescribable. Saying goodbye to the girls was torture, we were all so upset that we probably won’t ever see them again, but I am so thankful for the time I was able to spend with them, I wouldn’t change it for the world.
This experience has taught me a lot about what to be grateful for, but more importantly, to me, it has taught me how much easier it is to be selfless and simple rather than stressing about myself and everything around me.
Izzy Amis
Izzy, thank you for blogging and sharing your thoughts. You are simply wonderful!