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December 6, 2012 - All Posts, 2012 Operation Shakti
If you ever wondered what its like to be famous just go to West Bengal with 26 High School seniors . I will say that was a crazy cool trip and the Shakti team were all Rock Stars!! I cant really explain it but everyone wants to have a picture taken with those crazy kids from America. It’s also funny how your personal space does not exist over there.
Do I have a favorite team member? (a question I’m always asked by my kids) We were team Blue and If my toes were hooked up to a car battery it would still be hard for me to pick a favorite. Katie, Cooper, Jessie, Robbie, Sarah and Spencer went and taught those Kids English like they were Professionals. I think they will be missed and what they accomplished will be remembered,
What was the biggest success of the trip? To bring home 26 leaders who will do great things for the rest of their lives! These guys have worked hard and have learned great things that will follow them forever. I’m a believer that all kids need to spend time in another country to see how big this world is and how connected we really are.
What did I come away with from this trip? That’s easy, but hard to explain. First of all I made some friends over there. I did so by learning things from them. I don’t think I left them anything of value, that was the kids job. I learned that they are very resourceful and maybe they live a more complete life than we do here. They certainly have more time and their family’s come first. It takes a community to raise kids. Nothing goes to waist. Something you have to see for yourself to really understand. And finally I have another place that I could lose myself some day when Kelly and I decide we need another sabbatical.