Alysa here coming from India!

June 13, 2024 - 2024 OperationAjeya, All Posts

Hey everyone it’s Alysa here coming from India! It has been such a good experience so far, I was so excited to hear that it was my time to blog. I do have to say that It has been a long 5 days. Traveling 20+ hours across the world has put a big toll on me and everyone else here on my team. I personally wasn’t my happy, ambitious, joyful self during this time on the planes or buses, I was so sick and tired that it just made me miserable. Me and my team are still currently in the process of getting over with the jetlag and adapting to the new hot humid weather and long days, But all of that doesn’t matter because once we all got to our schools on the first day we fell in love with the kids. For me since I was so run down from all the travel I was terrified and having second thoughts. But all of that changed once I walked up those uneven crooked stairs for the first time and got to see all of it: the schools, cafeteria, and kids in the morning assembly. It all hit me like a brick wall. Tears came bursting out of my eyes once I realized that these kids have barely anything to get by with and all they care about is that they have new friends to play and spend time with. Me and my team have spent hours with these kids daily teaching them English and playing games to help them remember what we are trying to teach. For example, once the jeep gets onto school grounds all of the kids come running to the fence waiting for us to come out, Then we greet and then they go to their morning assembly which consists of singing, praying, and answering questions from their peers. After that we gather them into their classrooms and teach them the new lesson of vocabulary words and action songs. This process can be VERY HARD considering that all of the kids range from 5-10 years old. After all of us have taught our lessons we go out and dance and play games with them and get to see their smiles which are heart warming and good for the soul. Other than us spending time at the schools, me and my team have amazing meals and get to go exploring around the cities and sight see. Raj, our expedition liaison, even brought us to his good friend’s bakery and got amazing desserts last night. It is so cool to see all of the colorful houses, Beautiful mountains and all of the animals. There are so many cows and dogs roaming around the streets, I even got to see a monkey under the bridge yesterday coming home from school. At night when I look out of my window you can see the whole mountain lit up from top to bottom with lights from houses. Since it’s only the 4th day this is all I have for now, I love you mom and dad and even though I’m dreading coming home from this amazing place I can’t wait to see  you!


6 Responses to “Alysa here coming from India!”

  1. I love your pictures! I love that you are having a great experience..

  2. Alysa! Thank you for your beautiful descriptions of your trip thus far! I can see it in my mind so well!

  3. I’m so proud of you, alysa and your team. It touches my heart. keep having fun with all those beautiful children enjoy the beautiful mountains and delicious food. Hope you’re taking lots of pictures. Love you the very mostest xoxoxoxo

  4. So glad to see you made it through the travel, you are always so brave and amazing me. Love hearing of your experience and especially making a difference with these kiddos. You are amazing Alysa miss you Love you

  5. My beautiful sweet Alysa, you only continue to inspire me by your incredible impact on the world! I love seeing you find strength so deep in your soul when it’s so hard to find sometimes! Keep spreading magic my sunshine and I’ll be waiting right here for you when you get done with your adventure! I love you so very much!! 🩷

  6. Alysa! I’m thrilled you have this experience. You have made and will make memories that will last a lifetime and help you always appreciate what you have and those around you that love and support you like you have been supporting those wonderful children! Keep up the great work!

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