Alysa’s blog 

June 18, 2024 - 2024 OperationAjeya, All Posts

Hey guys its Alysa here! It has been the best time since I’ve last blogged which was the first day we got here and now its the last day we’re staying in Kullu. Since this is my second time around I have so much more to say. First I would like to say that it has been the most amazing experience since I’ve been here for the past 12 days. Like I said in my previous blog that we are here to positively impact and teach kids English. This part of the trip has taken up most of our trip, We go daily from 9:30-4:00pm in my village group and I have to say that spending time with these kids has been the best part this trip.They come running up to the fence with the biggest smiles on their faces. Each day we have had the chance to either teach or be the team leader of our village. Both of these parts can be very hard and challenging but fun to see the kids and interact with them. I taught the first 6 days and then was team leader the last day that we were at the schools. The first day was a bit scary and then the second day was better and more easy going. I do have to say that after teaching all 7 days that this week was a rollercoaster, First day went a little crazy and then the second day went good and then the next day was a disaster everyone was running around, the kids were out of hand and the translator was nowhere to be found because she had to help everyone. On Thursday we had a scary event where one of our kids was completely fine in the morning and by lunch time he was limping and was complaining that his leg hurt, after about 30 minutes he went completely limp and started to throw up from the pain. Luckily our medic was there when this happened and took him to the hospital. Her and the doctors ruled out that he had a fracture in his femur and his hip was popped out of place. After he came back to the school and was happy as a bug under the rug 🙂 Today we went to all of our teams schools and did our cultural exchange and say goodbye. The goodbyes were the worst part everyone was sad and didn’t want to leave the kids, But we do have many many photos that we can look back on.

The Food here has been amazing! Even though it’s the same thing every single day it’s still so good. The tiki masala is to die for and they have very good noodles and rice. In the morning we have Juice, Fresh fruit, and bread with Nutella on it. For lunch we have pre packed meals made from our chefs to take to our schools to eat which are usually noodles, egg rolls and rice. For dinner we have about the same thing or we go out to dinner and try new food. We went to a place called Fork n Knife yesterday and it was really good! I got a blue lagoon and we all shared plattered food. It took awhile to get everything ordered and out so by the time I got my food I was tired from our actives during the day that I went home so I didn’t get to experience the taste of all the food, But what I did have was amazing.

While in India we have done so many activities. During the first couple of days we went down the street to the market and went shopping which was super fun. Since we’re different from the people here the owners of the shop try to take all of our money because we don’t know a “true” price of the item we’re trying to buy. So our amazing translators help us bargain the price with the owners and get us a good deal! The first day we came down we went to get fitted for our coming home outfits which are beautiful but is staying a surprise until we get home! At night we all play card games and hangout with each other or we go and have deep conversations with either brad or the other team leaders which are very deep and meaningful. During the middle of the trip we went river rafting in the rapids which I was super scared at first because I’ve never gone but Marcy and Brad helped me gain courage and get excited for this fun adventure! Once we got on our rafts the guide taught us signals and how to operate the raft down the river! Getting onto the water and get going was the scariest part for me because you have to sit on the edge of the raft with your feet inside the boat hoping you don’t fall out into the cold Himalayan water! But after we were done we all wanted to do it again because it was so fun! At the end of the trip we took an immaculate drive up the canyon to a temple and had a “gratitude day” which was very much needed. Once we got there we got out and admired the view while we waited for the priest to  start the ceremony. After we all ate lunch and explored the land, then we got together as a group and shared what we were grateful for which was very emotional. To top it off though and get us into happier moods we all did yoga with an instructor…. It was very hard. That’s all I have for right now again but I can’t wait to be home and share all my stories! I love you mom and dad and I will see you in 4 days!

2 Responses to “Alysa’s blog ”

  1. You only continue to inspire me! I’m so proud of you and your team for the incredible things you’ve done to change world! And I’m SO excited to see you soon and love you to pieces!!

  2. Thank you for filling us in with all the stories! So neat you were there for the child that went limp and for telling us about the happy ending. Enjoyed your story about the marketplace!

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