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November 15, 2014 - All Posts, 2014 Operation: Valobasa, 2014 Operation: Shaktishali
The Valobasa Group landed in Calcutta! They are all well and happy to finally be in India!
The Shaktishali group sprinted though the airport in LA to make thier connecting flight just in time! They are on their way!!
Relieved to know you are all in India! I hope you are all well and happy, especially Jane! So, so glad she could go and be a mom to my Annika and all of the other kids for two weeks. This will be such an amazing experience! Be safe, stay well and remember to take your medication! That’s the nurse in me talking. I was at the store today and I caught myself looking at things that might be good to take to India. It has become such a habit. I just hope we remembered everything. Get some good pics Annika and if you get a chance, play the guitar or the ukulele for those sweet little kids. I know it will put a smile on their face as it does mine whenever I hear you play. Or you could play a flute with your nose (one of your many talents). That would make them laugh! Love ya Annika, Boston, Allie and Abby! Take care of each other! You are all awesome for even doing this and I am so proud of you all!
Kathy Holmberg
Thanks again for the update! Sounds like a little bit of a hassle changing planes and all I really hope that all of there stuff got there with them! I am glad there on the ground safe.
Thank you for the updates. So happy they arrived safe and excited the wonderful experience they are/will have.
So glad that after a couple of plane snafus you all arrived in India. Be safe and enjoy the experience of your lives.