Cultural Exchange Day - Renata Martin

operation moksha 2023

Today was our last day going to the schools. I got up and ate breakfast and made my lunch. My group got everything we were giving to the kids and we left to go to the schools. I got there and immediately got hugs and they all said they missed me (while I was still there). I missed them so much too. I was in charge of passing out chocolate to the kids. Everyone in my group was in charge of passing out something so we sat the kids down and we each went down in lines giving the kids blankets, hygiene kits, chocolate, school kits, we gave them tables, chairs, swing sets, track suits, shoes and socks, sports equipment, burners/plates/pressure cookers, glasses, and lots of hugs and love. The kids really liked the chocolate I gave them. I tried some and it was actually so good, it was like the best chocolate I’ve ever had. It was so creamy and delicious.

After we passed everything out, the kids put everything with their stuff then came back so we could play games and take pictures with them. We took so many pictures. I got a lot of good pictures with the kids. We ate lunch at the school again then said a temporary goodbye to our kids so we could go do the cultural exchange, we went to Taylors school to dance and sing then we danced with some Indian woman and it was really sweet and fun. We said goodbye to their kids then we left to go to our school, I said hi to my children then we danced and sang and I said my goodbyes to my children which was very very very hard. I cried a lot. I already miss them so much. They wiped my tears away and they told me to be happy and I miss them so so much I cried so hard into their little arms.

 We went to Keira’s school and danced then sang “Baby” by Justin Bieber instead of “Aint no Mountain High Enough” and they played a couple Bruno mars songs and we had a dance party with the kids and I got to say goodbye to Priyanka. She was my favorite kid at our school then she moved schools so I was glad I got to say goodbye to her. We all came back to the hotel to start packing then we ate dinner. The dinner was really good and after we sat by the bonfire with everyone. We all just talked and played some games with each other. We did some announcements and let everyone know when we were leaving the hotel the next day and when we were going shopping.

We also said goodbye to our translators which was sad because I really liked our translator. I wont be in a room with Kate and Elanor anymore because were getting new roommates at the new hotel which I’m sad about. I’m really excited about shopping though I want to get so many things. I’m excited to get jewelry and bowls and singing bowls. I also got my custom made pantsuit and its really pretty and it looks really good on me.

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