How To Bargain With Sophie Wilson

April 26, 2014 - All Posts, 2014 Operation: Shaanti

Yesterday we were told that we were going to have a few hours of shopping time in Jaipur. But because we were stuck at lunch for three hours we ended up only having two hours of shopping time. As we were getting ready to go shopping our leaders set us up in our shopping groups (two girls, one guy). I was so  happy that Tanner, Emily, and I were put together. I wasn’t really sure what to expect when shopping. I just knew that I had to be good at bargaining in order to get what I wanted. As we started to walk down the streets of Jaipur I got a little nervous. We couldn’t take two steps without someone running up to us begging us to buy THEIR stuff. Even if you said no thank you, the sales men would still follow you.
Although I was scared at first, let me give you guys some tips on how to bargain in India (Just incase you ever come here)

~Whatever the price is for the item you want, half it and then subtract 100 rupees.

~Be stern.

~If they are being stubborn about lowering the price, walk away. They will most likely follow you and lower the price or they will ask you for your asking price and give it to you then.

~Tell them that you will tell your friends about their shop if they lower the price.

~Always have someone with you as back up. It is easier to make deals with them when buying a lot of stuff at one time.

~Beg. Although this is probably a tactic that only Tanner, Emily, and I used, it works. I promise. I mean who could really say no to us.

~Trade. If your have something that you could live without, you could easily trade it for something that you want.

~There will almost always be the same item at another store, so if you are having trouble bargaining walk down the street and you will see the exact same item.

~Price match. Tell them that another store was offering you the same item for a lower price.

~They will tell you that it’s not possible to lower the price, but it is.

Most of the sales men are just trying to make a living and will almost always settle for your asking price. It is intimidating going into a place where the sales men won’t back off and take no for an answer but if you follow my tips, you’ll be a natural. Shopping in India is crazy but it is also such a fun experience. I really lucked out with being in a group with Tanner and Emily because by the end of the day we were bargaining like it was our job. I hope these were helpful tips. Stay tuned next week and I will tell you how to survive bus rides that are 10+ hours.


P.S I rode an elephant today. So I can officially die happy now.

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