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August 13, 2012 - All Posts, 2012 Operation: Kabu
Holy cow… where is the time going!? I can’t believe that we are already talking about what will be going on until the day we leave. It turns out a couple of our days will be cut short with some of the girls due to the fact that they have exams at school. We have grown to love them so much in such a short period of time that it literally hurts to think about leaving them.
Today was a great day with the girls, just like the other two. It is amazing, we can all feel dead tired but the second we hear the horn sounding that the girls are near in the jeeps, we all perk right up and know it will be another great day. Yesterday I was able to teach my workshop to the three groups of girls on pronouns. I was stumped as to how I was going to pull it off or how I was going to explain pronouns since English wasn’t my subject of choice, and less so, explaining it to these girls that don’t speak much English. To my surprise it went so well, I was incredibly happy. These girls have such a desire and drive to learn that I have never seen. They are so engaged in every second they are given to learn a new skill or language, they truly take it as a privilege. I love hearing their little accents when they speak English, our favorite word of theirs seems to be when one of the girls says “TWELEVE!” for twelve when we have them count off.
Since day one it seems like every child has a special bond with a particular team member. While we love them all so much, it seems like each child seeks out a team member and clings to them for special love and guidance. My special bond is particularly with a little nine year old girl named Anu. To Anu, I am “Jass” not Jess haha. She is an incredibly gorgeous and bright. She has a certain spirit about her that just radiates and an infectious smile. She seems to have started the trend of tickle wars so that is greatly how our mornings are now being started. She has an older sister that is here as well named Bobby. Bobby is a year older than Anu but the two of them look as though they could be twins.
One of my favorite things about today was with a little girl named Champa, or “Ashu.” We taught them the famous game called ‘Down by the Banks’ where the girls sit in a circle and hit the hand of the girl next to them until the last words of the song, “Ker Plunk!” The girl who gets their hand slapped last is out. We call Ashu the killer at this game because she will wait as long as she needs to in order to get the girl next to her out. Today she sang the whole song by herself in her little raspy voice, so cute and funny.
Anyway, I could go on and on but I will stop here for now. Can’t wait for another day with these amazing girls!