Meg Wingeleth

July 29, 2014 - All Posts, 2014 Operation: Junglee

YAY for hot showers, my bug net at night, and amazing Indian French toast! Yesterday, after teaching around 4PM, I went right to bed. I slept for 14 hours! It was much needed. Since it’s my first time leaving the country, culture shock doesn’t even begin to cover it. I have to say it’s been soooo much fun though! Of course the cute little girls are the best part.
Teaching kids in the states and teaching the girls here, it is a complete 180. The girls are so thankful and so excited to have/do the simplest things. It made my day to see how stoked the girl’s were to make beaded bracelets in art. I know they’ll cherish my art lessons as where kids in the states will end up throwing their art projects away in about a week or so.

I’m sad to leave the girls in Jibhi this week but really excited to go to Kullu.meg photo

3 Responses to “Meg Wingeleth”

  1. Yippee! So glad to see you and hear from you! You are amazing! And, I am so proud of you and love you infinity!Mom

  2. Also, how many beautiful girls are you bringing home with you?! 🙂

  3. So excited for you and look forward to following you on here. You are an amazing woman and they are very lucky to have you. What an experience!

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