Nathan Hall

April 7, 2012 - All Posts, 2012 Operation: Genshai

            I haven’t blogged yet simply because I couldn’t think of the words to describe the world I am in. The scenery itself is breathtaking. I am surrounded by beautiful forests and mountains that seem to scrape the sky. Amid the steep mountain terrain winds a enormous river that branches off into a thousand different streams and waterfalls. Similarly lie the houses of the villagers, spread amongst the jagged cliffs and the winding paths at random. The houses are simple and run down, but retain the warmest feelings of home. The dense foliage houses the most unique assortment of animals. Already there has been sightings of monkeys and spiders the size of my fist. The only thing that surpasses the beauty of the landscape is that of the people. The people in some cases live in the most depressing conditions imaginable, yet, they are some the most friendly and the strongest people I have ever known. Instead of giving way to the insurmountable challenges they face each and every day they keep going and struggling in a caste system that is determined to keep them in poverty. The children play and laugh like the children back home even though they barely have any clothes or almost any of the basic things we take for granted every day. I wish I had more time to write more but I have to go now. I miss you Mom, Dad, Lauren, Jacob, and Andrew. I miss my friends back at home but I’m also making some great new friends. I miss a lot of things but I know i’m in the right place and I can’t turn back.

One Response to “Nathan Hall”

  1. Hello Nathan
    We’re very proud of you and are so happy that this is such a great experience for you. We’ll be anxious to hear more and see your pictures!

    Grandpa and Grandma R

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