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November 23, 2019 - 2019: Operation Parivar
Prefects are real
Today we got to go to Cambridge also known as the Indian hogwarts. There are 4 houses that compete everyday for the championship at the end of the year. They have house captains as well as prefects. If you’ve read Harry Potter or watched it, then you know what I’m talking about. We also met the Indian version of Shawn Mendes. He sang clara a little on the spot solo which was cute. He’s actually very talented.
You know, India doesn’t smell so bad. Everyone made it seem a lot worse. So thank you for preparing me, but I actually really like it here. The mountains are gorgeous, the traffic is exciting, and for the people who like attention we get a lot of it;)
Today’s cultural exchange was beautiful. They were so talented and sang so many song’s we knew. As well as blessing us and saying namaste which means they are bowing down to us. They are the most humble and kind people. I’m so grateful I’ve been able to see everything that I have. Being at the cultural exchange made me miss the kids at the village I’ve been teaching in. They are so precious and loving. Except sometimes;) <- backstory to that: they took my phone and were looking through my photos. They saw a picture of me hugging a boy and immediately assumed I was in love. They passed around the rumor that I had a boyfriend and every time I passed any of them they would point, laugh, and say “aweeeee.” I was the joke of the day but I didn’t mind because with all the taunting came a little more love:) they are my favorite tiny humans. They are constantly worried about us. If you drop anything every single one of them runs to pick it up for you. Or when the wind blows my hair in my face Suhani always brushes it behind my ear. And when I sit down they run to sit on my lap and grab my hands to pull around themselves.
I don’t want to come home(even though I love and miss you all). Not knowing what’s going on makes me so curious as to what everyone is doing. It’s odd being so cut off from people I’m usually with every day and so close to people that I didn’t know well until now. So I hope everyone is doing alright. Because I’m so so happy to be here with these people, kids, and leaders.
Sorry this is isn’t the most eloquent but I hope I brought the message across of how I’m doing and what it’s like over here.
Side note: the little puppies that run around are the most precious things and I want to take them and the cute kiddos home with me so bad!