Reflection – Sam Skidmore

December 12, 2012 - All Posts, 2012 Operation Shakti

Why do bad things happen to good people? That was my main thought throughout this experience. I’ve learned that, contrary to my previous belief, it is not a punishment. Some people have more trials in their lives simply because it ends up blessing them and others in so many way. This was my main realization from this trip.
There are so many things that I wish people could understand about India. The first and main one is that they are so blessed for the many things they have. Everyone here seems to be so focused on worldly things, and become sad over the silliest things. My experience from India has taught me that I should always be thankful for every single thing that I have. Even when I’m going through my worst trials, there are still many people who would want to be in my shoes above anything else.

Those little kids were so happy every second that I saw them, and it completely changed me. I’ve taken so many things for granted, and I realize that now. These kids literally have nothing, and yet they are, and always will be, the happiest and most loving people that I’ve ever met. The fact that I was only able to go on this trip because of many miracles and fervent prayers just made everything that I experienced and felt so much more special. I know that I was meant to go on that trip for a reason. Whether that’s because I needed to learn some of the valuable lessons that I did while there, needed to have my heart changed, or there were children there that I really affected, I’ll probably never know.

I’m so blessed to have had this experience, and it’s something that I will cherish forever. The way that they quickly accepted me with open arms completely softened my heart, and because of the way they were so humble and willing to be taught, they ended up teaching me more than I could ever teach them. I plan on using everything that I learned from these sweet girls and applying it to myself and others forever. I hope that I can end up using all of the experiences that I’ve had to be able to change other people’s lives for ever, and I sincerely hope that I did help out those little kids in India, because they deserve a bright future more than anybody else. India was well worth the many meetings, fundraising, stress, tears, gross food and showers, and the jet lag. I wouldn’t trade any part of this experience for anything!!!

One Response to “Reflection – Sam Skidmore”

  1. Sam,Thanks for sharing this with us. Thanks for your courage to travel alone. A lot of people benefitted from being part of your miracle. Thanks for making a difference.

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