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November 22, 2019 - 2019: Operation Parivar
Today was probably one of the hardest days of teaching for sure! My lesson was about personal hygiene, so using soap and how to brush teeth correctly, that sort of thing. For my object part of my lesson we had the kids put lotion on their hands and then put their hands in a bag of glitter,the glitter is supposed to act as germs. Then we go over to one of the water spouts and try to wash it off, but the glitter won’t wash off unless you use soap. It was so funny to watch the kids freak out when they couldn’t get the “germs” off.
Hanging out with these kids and just being at the schools is so fun. The best part about the schools is just loving the kids and them loving you.
Yesterday my village team and I painted a huge mural at our school. we didn’t want to do some basic hand print design like everyone that goes on a trip like this so we came up with are own design of some mountains and Jens made a super cute design with some stripes and some shapes on another part that we painted. It definitely made the hole feel of the school so happy and uplifting. The kids seamed to love it so that’s good! It was a good day!
The people on this trip are all so awesome!
I’m happy I’ve I have this opportunity to Get to know all the teens and the leaders and really connect with each other! I really do love every one here and just love being here. Sorry mom I’m not exited to come home. Again super happy to be hear and so happy I came!