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August 1, 2014 - All Posts, 2014 Operation: Junglee
So, today was our first day in Kullu. We left Jibhi last night which was so bitter sweet. I was so excited to get to meet the new group of girls, I just didn’t want to leave the others behind. I would have took all the girls home in my bags with me it if I could…..When we said goodbye Me and Janessa were crying and one of the girls Priyanka looked at us and told us “No cry” It was so sweet….and it made me cry even more. After goodbyes we packed up all of our stuff drove two hours to Kullu. It couldn’t be any more different. Jibhi was up in the mountains and I can’t remember who said it, but someone said it was like Oregon on Steroids. It was unreal. Kullu is a crowded city, but the surroundings are still beautiful. It is just completely different. The girls almost instantly warmed up to us which was so dang cool! They are so adorable and so funny. I can’t wait to get to teach them some more! P.S. mom…don’t post this picture on your instagram because I plan on it later! Love you
I just wanted to say you guys all amaze me! What great examples you all are. I love reading all the post. Your love for these girl is amazing! Tyona I have only shares this blog. I want everyone to be able to read all the great post from you guys. The pictures are amazing. Keep up the great work.
Hey sis you look great! I can wait to see India though your eyes! You are all amazing! I love reading all the posts! You are all great examples!