Everyone is happy and healthy By: Wendy

June 16, 2024 - 2024 OperationAjeya, All Posts

Well we have made it past the 1/2 way mark and other than a few runny noses and headaches, everyone is happy and healthy.  It’s been a different experience as the medic and I have equally loved every second of it. I spent most of the day Thursday in the Government Hospital with Sonam, an 8 year old little boy from one of the village schools.. I did his health assessment in the morning and he was all smiles. The teens brought him up a little later and he was unable to walk. He would not put any weight on his right leg and was in some noticeable pain. Long story short, he had fallen down the stairs the night before and was shoved quite hard in the back while playing with his buddies that morning. We laid him down on his back and I checked him out. I’m grateful for my experience in ortho as well as trauma. I determined that he had a hip issue or a possible blunt trauma issue to his kidney. Without the usual technology to determine exactly what was going on, and the extreme amount of pain he was in, I insisted he go to the hospital. Upon arrival, it was evident that this was going to be an experience. As you will see in the pictures below, he was placed on a hard stretcher that had dried blood on it from who knows who and how long ago. The doctor was out to lunch so we had to wait for some time. Finally we took him to the trauma center and I was able to speak to an emergency doctor and get some X-rays. I am also grateful for my experience with Indian hospitals and what to say to get things done. The scans showed a small hairline fracture near the neck of the femur. Sonam walked out of the X-ray room which was a complete shock because he literally could not walk before. His hip had been dislocated and when they positioned him on the table, it popped back in. I had considered this, but the poor little guy was throwing up from the pain so I opted not to move him to further assess the cause without scans. The head teacher who accompanied him to the hospital saw him walk and told everyone back at the school that he had been faking it. Now I have worked with kids for 30+ years in gymnastics and I can spot a faker from a mile away and he was not faking. I was able to reassess him on Friday and other than some tenderness, he was feeling much better. I was made aware that he has a very abusive mother and we are not sure if the fracture that was found was new, or from a previous injury. Either which way, I am glad he is on the mend and that we were able to help him.

Today is my birthday and we went on a river rafting adventure and had some Bollywood dancing lessons. It was so much fun and a great way to start my 49th year! As always, I am still in love with India as much as I have ever been. I keep thinking of ways I can make it back ASAP. The teens have been nothing short of amazing. My favorite part of the YMAD program is seeing the growth and sparkle in the eyes of our kids as they take this journey. You would all be so proud of them and I can’t wait for you to see all the pictures and hear about their adventures. We are all healthy and happy! Happy Father’s day to all the Dad’s out there!


3 Responses to “Everyone is happy and healthy By: Wendy”

  1. Hopefully you can help the teacher have a more accurate view of Sonam’s injury. To say he’s faking it is potentially so hurtful to the poor kid. So good you were there, Wendy. Happy Birthday!

  2. Thank you for the update, I was praying for the child. I am glad he is doing better. I was heartbroken to hear about the teacher saying he was a faker. I think that throwing up is a clear sign that he was not faking. Wendy thank you for being there and helping this child. You are amazing! Happy Birthday!

  3. Happy Birthday, Wendy!!!! What an amazing way to spend it: INDIA!!!!! Not gonna lie, I’m jealous!
    Thank you for caring for our young men and women! You being there makes us feel better about our babes being around the globe from us.

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